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Tiki-KGB | 03xavidp r63086 10trunk/ 10(5 files in 3 dirs)
[FIX]Typos, and Adding page exposing prefs about new and improved features in Tiki17 as well as iframe with doc page about Tiki17 also. To be backported to 17.x at some point (can this kind of fix - missing info - be backported just now before 17.0? - feel free anyone if so) | [00:00] |
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fabricius | joined #tikiwiki | [00:44] |
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torsten1 | joined #tikiwiki | [01:08] |
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amette_ | left #tikiwiki | [02:05] |
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Tiki|bot | Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6375 | [06:57] |
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Tiki|Log | joined #tikiwiki | [07:14] |
Topic | for #tikiwikiis now Tiki - the one and only Free & Open Source Software wiki-based CMS with the most built-in features! Latest Tiki 16.2 version is out! For LTS get 15.4 or 12.11. Question? Just ask! We log the channel @ http://irc.tiki.org (start line with [off] to exclude your message from the log) | [07:14] |
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redflo | joined #tikiwiki | [10:13] |
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jonnyb | joined #tikiwiki
polompompom | [11:50] |
Tiki-KGB | 03jonnybradley r63087 10branches/ 10(6 files in 4 dirs)
[bp/r63086][FIX]Typos, and Adding page exposing prefs about new and improved features in Tiki17 as well as iframe with doc page about Tiki17 also. To be backported to 17.x at some point (thanks Xavi :) | [11:52] |
amette_ | joined #tikiwiki | [11:57] |
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Tiki|bot | joined #tikiwiki | [12:14] |
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Tiki-KGB | 03kroky6 r63088 10trunk/lib/core/Search/Query/WikiBuilder.php
[ENH] ajax server-side tablesorter filters work with _text formatted display fields for more natural searching 03kroky6 r63089 10trunk/lib/core/Search/Query/WikiBuilder.php [ENH] make server-side tablesorter date range filtering compare the field in question instead of default modification_date 03kroky6 r63090 10trunk/ 10lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_listexecute.php 10templates/search/list/table.tpl 10lib/core/Search/Query/WikiBuilder.php [ENH] plugin ListExecute updated to allow applying action to all results even when they are not shown (e.g. when using server-side tablesorter rendering with pagination) | [12:30] |
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03chibaguy r63091 10trunk/templates/admin/include_packages.tpl * [FIX][UX] Improve interface language strings.
03chibaguy r63092 10trunk/templates/admin/include_packages.tpl * [FIX][UX] Improve interface language strings (punctuation consistency). 03chibaguy r63093 10trunk/templates/admin/include_packages.tpl * [FIX][UX] Improve interface language strings (clarify meaning). | [13:00] | |
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03jonnybradley r63094 10branches/17.x/tiki-plugins.php
[FIX] plugins: Disable redirects while re-parsing plugins for approval (thanks chibaguy and ohertel) | [13:20] | |
03jonnybradley r63095 10trunk/tiki-plugins.php 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 63083 to 63094
03chibaguy r63096 10trunk/templates/admin/include_packages.tpl * [FIX][UX] Adjust spacing, etc. | [13:26] | |
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Jyhem | pompompoml | [14:01] |
wow, vm01 is really small :-( | [14:07] | |
olinuxx | joined #tikiwiki | [14:08] |
amette_ | left #tikiwiki
joined #tikiwiki | [14:08] |
Jyhem | jonnyb: starting with thems?
s/thems/themes/ | [14:18] |
jonnyb | pompom Jyhem
jonnyb wishes he had gone to lunch earlier ;) Yes, themes.t.o is usually the first (but as tiki.org is already upgraded it's all a bit academic!) | [14:18] |
Jyhem | I just backed up themes, looking for the svn switch syntax and there we go
Hmmmm close but not quite Updated to revision 63096. Tree conflict on 'vendor' > local dir unversioned, incoming dir add upon switch Select: (r) mark resolved, (p) postpone, (q) quit resolution, (h) help: Select: (r) mark resolved, (p) postpone, (q) quit resolution, (h) help: r Resolved conflicted state of 'vendor' Summary of conflicts: Tree conflicts: 0 remaining (and 1 already resolved) | [14:20] |
jonnyb | sorry | [14:26] |
Jyhem | and vendor is all full
let's sh setup.sh | [14:26] |
jonnyb | vendor can just be deleted (or moved out of the way)
setup.sh should fix it :) just going to grab a quick snack... brb | [14:26] |
Jyhem | sure
I get that, I followed the discussion. I'm just documenting so we figure out how to deal with it | [14:29] |
root@vm01:/var/local/themes.tiki.org/www# php console.php c:c
Clearing all caches root@vm01:/var/local/themes.tiki.org/www# php console.php database:update Update completed. Queries executed successfully: 1 root@vm01:/var/local/themes.tiki.org/www# php console.php preferences:rebuild-index Preferences index was rebuilt successfully. Looks all fine to me �Queries executed successfully: 1� is a bit surprising? The site looks good. Jyhem wonder what to test | [14:38] | |
amette: can I remove this from /var/local/dev.tiki.org:
-rw-r--r-- 1 root staff 601388038 May 2 16:34 www2.tar.gz | [14:48] | |
jonnyb | sorry, wasn't so quick (kitchen was a wreck ;) )
Jyhem: on https://themes.tiki.org i see unable to write file /var/local/themes.tiki.org/www/temp/templates_c/wrt595255c6501e01_44212051 - any ideas? and it does look sort of borken (shame no chibaguy today) hmm, now that seems to have gone and it looks ok... | [14:54] |
Jyhem | jonnyb: sorry, the above was probably due to / partition temporarily full :-(
my bad so no Tiki issue | [15:05] |
jonnyb | good good, it's happened before | [15:05] |
Jyhem | this VM is awfully small and I want to be able to rollback just in case we need to :-/
dev.to backed up, starting upgrade | [15:06] |
jonnyb | indeed, good thinking
isn't this the new server though? I wonder why it's "awfully small"? anyway, on to dev, thanks Jyhem :) | [15:07] |
Jyhem | opps
- Installing matthiasmullie/minify (1.3.45): Loading from cache [ErrorException] file_put_contents(/var/local/dev.tiki.org/www/bin/minifycss): failed to open stream: No such file or directory install [--prefer-source] [--prefer-dist] [--dry-run] [--dev] [--no-dev] [--no-custom-installers] [--no-autoloader] [--no-scripts] [--no-progress] [--no-suggest] [-v|vv|vvv|--verbose] [-o|--optimize-autoloader] [-a|--classmap-authoritative] [--apcu-autoloader] [--ignore-platform-reqs] [--] [<packages>]... in sh setup.sh → c and I removed vendors :-( | [15:10] |
jonnyb | is there an old /bin dir there?
(although the migration class is supposed to deal with that) disc full again? | [15:11] |
Jyhem | no. got it
root@vm01:/var/local/dev.tiki.org/www# ll bin/minifycss lrwxrwxrwx 1 www-data www-data 45 Feb 6 18:01 bin/minifycss -> ../vendor/matthiasmullie/minify/bin/minifycss Soooo. It seems crucially important to do sh setup.sh *before* rm -rf vendor :-( | [15:13] |
jonnyb | aha, could be | [15:16] |
Jyhem | rm bin/* made sh setup.sh work again
but the site looks bad lets do some php console | [15:16] |
jonnyb | there was a load of html showing but https://dev.tiki.org/Development?refresh=1 seems to have fixed it (or what you did) | [15:17] |
Jyhem | php console.php database:update fixed it
one of these: Update completed. Installed: 20161117_favicon_tiki Installed: 20161206_larger_comment_field_tiki Installed: 20161220_add_h5p_tables_tiki Installed: 20170122_schedulers_tiki Installed: 20170127_remove_templates_c_tiki Installed: 20170129_feature_dump_tiki Installed: 20170207_iefix_rem_tiki Installed: 20170213_footnotearea_tiki Installed: 20170218_schedulers_menu_tiki Installed: 20170305_webservices_menu_tiki Installed: 20170307_kill_wikilingo_tiki Installed: 20170319_kill_jcapture_tiki Installed: 20170329_add_color_to_groups_tiki Installed: 20170329_larger_category_descriptions_tiki Installed: 20170330_merge_hiddenlinks_into_headinglinks_tiki Queries executed successfully: 43 | [15:18] |
jonnyb | i wonder why themes showe only 1 query, but have been updated sometime in the past... odd | [15:20] |
Jyhem | Yes, a mystery | [15:20] |
jonnyb | i'll go and do the plugin approvals there | [15:21] |
Jyhem | Soooo, for dev.to, I did
php console.php c:c php console.php database:update php console.php preferences:rebuild-index php console.php c:c (again) | [15:21] |
jonnyb | are you doing normal index:rebuild too? | [15:21] |
Jyhem | Anything I forgot?
oops, I confused preferences:rebuild-index with index:rebuild | [15:22] |
jonnyb | i thought i:r incluides the pref index (checking) | [15:22] |
Jyhem | also forgot on themes
It did seem very fast and lacking of feedback | [15:23] |
jonnyb | index:rebuild includes the pref index, so that's the only one you need to do | [15:24] |
amette_ | Jyhem : you should disable the svn up script, while you are manually workig on the Tiki instances | [15:24] |
Jyhem | amette_: I looked this up before. Isn't it running once a day at 5 am or so? | [15:25] |
jonnyb | polom amette_ | [15:25] |
amette_ | and every twenty minutes
hi jonnyb once a day is only on next sites for full upgrade normal svn up is done every twenty minutes on all sites | [15:25] |
Jyhem | oops, I missed that one
I did comment the php tiki-batch_todo.php every hour on dev amette_: in which file is that? Not in /etc/cron.d/tiki | [15:27] |
amette_ | I think it is /etc/cron.d/refresh-nxt or some such.
otherwise put an "exit" in the /usr/local/bin/refresh-nxt.sh - that's a sure way. | [15:30] |
Jyhem | Right. /etc/cron.d/refreshnxt | [15:32] |
jonnyb | btw, i'm going try and approve or clear all the plugins on dev - there are loads and the refresh function times out | [15:32] |
Jyhem | I assumed it was about next servers and it did not touch the local ones :-(
jonnyb: can it be done from the command line? | [15:32] |
jonnyb | i'm clearning all the "unknown" ones and will check the ones on actual pages...
not yet, need to write a new command :( | [15:33] |
Jyhem | Hmmm, not if we want to check them for suspicious stuff, I guess
Yes, a command which would display each and ask for approval/rejection? | [15:33] |
jonnyb | lots of breakages here https://dev.tiki.org/Search
i was thinking a command to reset and refresh all plugins, then use the web interface to clear or approve each one apparently maybe casued by this one https://dev.tiki.org/item2866 (but why are there two rating fields?) | [15:37] |
fabricius | joined #tikiwiki | [15:41] |
jonnyb | i need to go - but i think the best course might be to clear all the pending plugins and see which ones really need approving?
pompom fabricius | [15:41] |
Jyhem | jonnyb: doc.to postponed ? | [15:43] |
jonnyb | no, let's do it plewase (otherwise we're stuck again) | [15:44] |
Jyhem | ok, on it | [15:44] |
amette_: I moved /var/local/dev.tiki.org/www2.tar.gz to /home/tikibackup/20170627/ (this server is tiny). Should probably be deleted (-rw-r--r-- 1 root staff 601388038 May 2 16:34 www2.tar.gz) | [15:52] | |
Now rebuiding index for deoc.tiki.org
grr *doc | [16:03] | |
amette_ | left #tikiwiki
joined #tikiwiki | [16:04] |
Jyhem | There is no easy way of upgrading smoothly with this composer stuff | [16:04] |
amette_ | Jyhem : yeah, installing the server had to happen quickly and I did automatic partitioning, when installing. That was a mistake, it's not easily possible to resize. I'll have to reinstall the server. I already started with it, but will have to make the final setup and move still. | [16:05] |
Jyhem | jonnyb: Ohh, and the upgrades every 30 minutes which I did not disable might explain the mystery of the database upgrade with only 1 query. | [16:06] |
jonnyb | ah right - well spotted (one for the notes) | [16:08] |
Jyhem | amette_: Ahh, understood. It still worked. Just a bit uncomfortable and tricky. With occasional / partition full :-(
So I think doc.tiki.org is all upgraded I reenable the automated upgrades | [16:09] |
jonnyb: should I reenable � cd /var/local/dev.tiki.org/www/; php tiki-batch_todo.php � or should I wait for all the plugins to be validated? | [16:17] | |
jonnyb | no idea, sorrey - in a meeting | [16:18] |
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Tiki-KGB | 03robertokir r63097 10trunk/lang/pt-br/language.php * Some new translations to Brazilian Portuguese | [17:12] |
jonnyb | ok, sorry Jyhem - back, did you win? :)
I see doc on 17.x now, thanks | [17:25] |
amette_ | left #tikiwiki
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Jyhem | hi jonnyb, my turn to leave. Going out tonight. All seems to be running, tho | [17:42] |
jonnyb | thanks Jyhem - looks ok to me too
i think there always were loads of plugins needing approval, i tihnk the code needs fixing there... have a nice evening! :) | [17:42] |
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SortedOut | joined #tikiwiki | [18:08] |
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Hello everyone! | [18:55] | |
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Hello there everyone, is anyone active atm? | [19:12] | |
Telesight | joined #tikiwiki | [19:20] |
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jonnyb | hi SortedOut - sorry, just on my way out, maybe see you tomorrow? | [20:08] |
SortedOut | No worries sir, I'll stop by tomorrow
My main question is how to properly set PHP (Apache) read/write permissions for a directory such that the "Internal Server Error" message does not appear The files successfully upload to the File Server, however I receive the Internal Server Error Message as well as Rebuild Index. But if I refresh the page the Rebuild index message disappears. (Just putting those questions out there in the event someone else might have an idea) | [20:12] |
robertokir | joined #tikiwiki
Hi folks, I've installed Tikiwiki locally and I haven't been able to link one wiki page to another page. For example the link should take me to but it's taking me to So I'm grateful for whatever help on this, like where to configure it to work properly. | [20:20] |
amette_ | robertokir : Either you need to enable .htaccess in your webroot or disable SefURLs in Tiki Admin. | [20:27] |
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robertokir | Thanks but... SefURL is already off. I turned it on and off but to no avail. And I'm using php without apache (php -S on the command line) so .htaccess is not an option. | [20:44] |
amette_ | Ah... ok... hmmm... the theory is, that .htaccess redirects everything to route.php, which then creates the old-school URLs like tiki-index.php?page=testeh from just /testeh. So, when SefURL is on, then Tiki should generate URLs like /testeh otherwise the old-school URL.
Having said all that... have you tried clearing caches after turning it off and on? | [20:47] |
robertokir | Yes, I did. | [20:48] |
amette_ | And I'm just explaining the theory, because I don't know about how all this behaves with pure php... it's not an officially supported setup afaik. So you'll have to throw your knowledge in the pool here.
ok, hmm, then I'm out of ideas | [20:48] |
montefuscolo | joined #tikiwiki | [20:49] |
amette_ | But afaics the issue here is, that Tiki generates SefURLs despite the feature being turned off, right!?
Usually that would be a cache issue. Maybe the page has an individual cache? hi montefuscolo | [20:49] |
robertokir | I noticed a behavior difference: Setting sefURL ON I cannot even access the wikis via the Wiki List page. By turning sefURL off again then I can access the wiki pages via the list of wikis. But linking a wikipage to another one still not ok. | [20:52] |
amette_ | sounds even more like some cache to me
robertokir : can you run "php console.php cache:clear --all" in the webroot? | [20:53] |
robertokir | Tried that but to no avail either. Amette, thanks a lot but now I'll try doing other stuff; will be back to this issue some other time. | [21:01] |
amette_ | Alright, cool. I'm out of ideas anyways. Hopefully you'll find someone more knowledgeable next time. cya! | [21:02] |
robertokir | Thanks! | [21:02] |
amette_ | You're welcome! | [21:03] |
montefuscolo | hello amette_ !!
how are you doing?? | [21:12] |
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amette_ | I'm fine, thanks. Getting more and more of my back problems sorted out, so that's good. How are you? | [21:31] |
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fabricius | joined #tikiwiki | [21:53] |
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