Tiki-KGB: [ENH] Ensure Mysql Backups are consistents, by using lock tables (MyISAM) or single transactions (InnoDB)
03rjsmelo r63099 10trunk/lib/core/Tiki/Command/BackupDBCommand.php
[ENH] Ensure Mysql Backups are consistents, by using lock tables (MyISAM) or single transactions (InnoDB)
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Tiki-KGB: 03marclaporte r63100 10branches/17.x/lib/prefs/feature.php
Changing the default to off for the Smart em-dash and ellipsis preference because it can produce unintended results for sofwtare-related websites.
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Good Morning everyone
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jonnyb: pompom chibaguy
chibaguy: hi jonnyb
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r63101 10branches/17.x/templates/admin/include_intertiki.tpl * [FIX] intertiki: Doubled up intertiki_logfile pref
jonnyb: chibaguy: did you get your local 17.x fixed?
chibaguy: Uh, the wiki pages still don't display.
amette_: polom
chibaguy: Maybe I need to do a fresh check-out. I have no idea why only wiki pages won't display.
jonnyb: any errors in the logs?
chibaguy: nop
jonnyb: but you get an error 500?
chibaguy: Oh, wait, I do have an error, sorry:
[Wed Jun 28 20:45:31.095639 2017] [:error] [pid 6524:tid 1280] [client ::1:57678] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'wlte library not found. This may be due to a typo or caused by a recent update.' in C:\BitNami\wamp56\apache2\htdocs\Tiki\branches\branch17\lib\tikilib.php:80nStack trace:n#0 C:\BitNami\wamp56\apache2\htdocs\Tiki\branches\branch17\lib\core\Tiki\Event\Lib.php(26):
TikiLib::lib('wlte')n#1 [internal function]: Tiki_Event_Lib->__invoke(Array, 'tiki.wiki.view', 0)n#2 C:\BitNami\wamp56\apache2\htdocs\Tiki\branches\branch17\lib\core\Tiki\Event\Manager.php(83): call_user_func(Object(Tiki_Event_Lib), Array, 'tiki.wiki.view', 0)n#3 C:\BitNami\wamp56\apache2\htdocs\Tiki\branches\branch17\lib\core\Tiki\Event\Manager.php(66): Tiki_Event_Manager->internalTrigger('tiki.wiki.view'
, Array, 0, 'tiki.wiki.view')n#4 C:\BitNami\wamp56\apache2\htdocs\Tiki\branches\branch17\tiki-index.php(657): Tiki_Event_Manager->trigger('tiki.wiki.view', Array)n#5 C:\BitNami\wamp56\apache2\htdocs\Tiki\branches\branch17\route.php(259): include('C:\\BitNami\\wamp...')n#6 {main}n thrown in C:\BitNami\wamp56\apache2\htdocs\Tiki\branches\branch17\lib\tikilib.php on line 80
Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6378
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luciash, did you tmetric.com
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Hello Everyone!
Is anyone active atm?
How feasible is it to use PluginJS in Tiki to use Resumable.js (http://www.resumablejs.com/) to chunk files to exceed the 2GB file limit inherent in Apache/PHP?
chibaguy: Hi SortedOut. Sorry, I have no idea about that. Hopefully somebody else will know.
Tiki-KGB: 03kroky6 r63102 10branches/17.x/templates/search/list/table.tpl
[FIX] ListExecute plugin table output fix column count when using tstotals option
03kroky6 r63103 10branches/ 1016.x/templates/search/list/table.tpl 1016.x/templates 1016.x
[bp/63102] [FIX] ListExecute plugin table output fix column count when using tstotals option
SortedOut: Does anyone know how to fix the "Internal Server Error" that occurs when I try to upload files?
The files are successfully uploaded, but I always get the error
Tiki-KGB: 03kroky6 r63104 10branches/ 1015.x 1015.x/templates/search/list/table.tpl 1015.x/templates
[bp/63102] [FIX] ListExecute plugin table output fix column count when using tstotals option
SortedOut: RHEL 7.2, Apache v2.4, Tiki 15.4, I'm tried to set permissions using: " chown apache:apache <file directory> "
I've followed a few guides, but the error still persists...
jonnyb: hi SortedOut
SortedOut: Good morning jonnyb
Tiki-KGB: 03kroky6 r63105 10trunk/templates/admin/include_intertiki.tpl 10trunk/lib/prefs/feature.php 10trunk/templates/search/list/table.tpl 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 63094 to 63102
jonnyb: anything in your apache error_log about the internal error?
SortedOut: I recall reading it yesterday, I'll try to get the error code again
jonnyb: re resumablejs.com you can ad the javascript files but it looks like you would need some new php to reassemble the chunks and add them to the file gallery - not trivial
you might get that to work using teh "batch upload" feature
but if php can't handle files that big you're probably stuck i'm afraid (tiki uses php for all the back end stuff)
SortedOut: Ah, the batch upload option is interesting, however it is FTP/SFTP/SSH dependent. I was hoping to keep the server entirely HTTPS dependent, but thank you for letting me know
Tiki-KGB: 03chealer r63106 10trim/scripts/tiki/backup_database.php * [REF] Fix comment
SortedOut: Reassembling the chunks using php on the server side sounds challenging, if I find anything useful and/or solve the problem, I'll post it to the forums
Tiki-KGB: 03chealer r63107 10trunk/lib/core/Tiki/Command/BackupDBCommand.php * [REF] execute(): Fix comment
SortedOut: I get the AH00558 httpd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using <mac address>. Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message
Also, I've often gotten the error:
"Click here to rebuild index", if I click on the link, it reloads the page, but it fails to load successfully. I've tried fixing it, I rebuilt my MariaDB, as well as did a fresh reinstall of Tiki 15.4, but not sure where this is coming from.
However, if I simply refresh the page, the error goes away...
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Tiki-KGB: 03chealer r63108 10branches/17.x/ 10(7 files in 7 dirs)
CODE plugin: improve definition of wrap parameter
Rename from "Word Wrap" to "Line Wrapping" (IMO clearer)
Clarify description
Fix French translation
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Tiki-KGB: 03chealer r63109 10trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_code.php
Remove pre-standardization pre-wrap vendor prefixes (Mozilla, Opera) and "-pre-wrap", presumably another
Use proposed standard overflow-wrap for break-word
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jonnyb: polom luis_asa
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luis_asa: Just installed tikiwiki using TRIM. after first login, got a "index needs rebuilding". does anyone know what's that?
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amette_: luis_asa1 : I think it is the search index. Have a look in Admin -> Search.
or if you have a console, you can use console.php to rebuild it
luis_asa: Tks!
amette_: yw
luis_asa: getting familiar with tiki 8 years later. profiles was a huge experience improvement!
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SortedOut: Hello everyone
I wanted to note that there are two broken links when it comes to the LDAP - Active Directory set-up
robertokir: joined #tikiwiki
Polom! I'm working on this task: "Redirect (or page alias) on Deleted or Renamed Wiki Pages"; I created a checkbox in the rename-page page that indicates that the user wants a redirect from the old name to the new name to be created.
So in tiki-rename_page.php 1st calls $wikilib->wiki_rename_page($page, $newName); Then I test if I get a true (rename ok) and, if so, I try to create a New Page that will use PluginRedirect, and name it the Old Name of the renamed page. At that point I get: -- tikilib.create_page: ** Page $name already exists. Exiting...
But that doesn't make sense to me since the rename operation at that point is supposed to have already happened and thus the Old Name should be free for use again. Anyone has a hint? Thanks?
jonnyb: ho robertokir
i wouldn't use stub pages with redirects in, we're currently trying to clean out a load of those in tiki.org and they generally casue problems
i would use the semantic alias feature, which you could probably do by adding the syntax to the bottom of the renamed page, in a tiki comment, like ~tc~(alias(Old Name))~/tc~ and updating the page should take care of the alias creation (if the pref dependencies are ok)
sorry, got to go now, sounds like fun - more tomorrow! :)
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luis_asa: well, this redirect plugin is the suggested implementation in https://dev.tiki.org/item1185
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