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Polom everyone, long time no see !
Wait, is this the nickname I usually have ?
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Jyhem: pompom
jonnyb: amette_ on the php-curl thing
jonnyb: pompompom
amette_: heyho
what php-curl thingy!?
jonnyb: H5P currently needs php-curl amette_ as seen here https://doc.tiki.org/PluginH5P#Example_1
Jyhem: the extension, so H5P works
also doing aptitude upgrade while I'm on the server
amette_: ah, ok
Jyhem: jonnyb: done… but https://doc.tiki.org/PluginH5P#Example_1 does not seem to show anything
jonnyb: thanks Jyhem - there's just an error saying file not found at the top of the page, which is correct - adding some content is the next step ;)
Jyhem: hmmm, that upgraded postfix. I chose "no change in config files"
np jonnyb. I totally missed the error on top of the page :-(
jonnyb: yup, that happens, Lindon's been working on better fixes for that...
Jyhem: It looks weird to disconnect the plugin and it's error feedback. I mean, it's kind of acceptable when it's the only plugin on the page, but…
Yes, let's hope we get something better for Tiki18. Changes have to start somewhere
jonnyb: hmmm, maybe that was me, i'll try and check sometime (trying to do too many things currently ;) )
amette_: so we need to update tiki-check !?
since when is h5p available?
jonnyb: amette_: first release will be 17.0
amette_: H5P has been introduced in Tiki 17... but its parameters in 16? See https://doc.tiki.org/PluginH5P#Parameters
jonnyb: and i think curl is checked in tiki-check already
amette_: tiki-check only checks that curl_exec is disabled cause it's a security risk
jonnyb: incorrect, will fix that
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r63181 10branches/17.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_h5p.php * [FIX] h5p: Introduced in 17 (thanks amette_)
-: amette_ goes reading where-to-commit
amette_: From that page I gather, that we are in semi-automatic merging period and therefore I should commit to 17 and it will be semi-automatically merged to trunk, right?
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r63182 10branches/17.x/lib/core/Tracker/Field/GroupSelector.php
[FIX] trackers: Function get_item_creators now returns an empty array instead of null so filter out empty array values. Thanks Tommy on https://stackoverflow.com/q/44930908/2459703
chibaguy: Does anyone else notice the numbers on the items in the "Newest forum posts" tend to drop down to the last line of a multi-line item, affected by mouse-hover?
When I remove display: inline-block in inline CSS on the list item text, it fixes, but I don't know why that CSS is needed there or where it comes from in the code.
(Referring to https://tiki.org/Community .)
jonnyb: Sorry, not sure what you mean chibaguy (but it looks fine to me)
chibaguy: When you mouse over the list, no changes in the list item number position?
jonnyb: on since your last visit you mean?
chibaguy: Newest forum posts - you don't see that module?
jonnyb: nope
aha, only as anonymous (weird)
chibaguy: Ah, it shows to anonymous but not to logged-in
jonnyb: i guess sylv replaces it when logged in
yes, i see it - nmost odd
chibaguy: The inline CSS isn't in the template. I don't know where it comes from.
I was going to remove it.
jonnyb: indeed, was just going to say - maybe it's some stinky javascript doing it?
sorry, no idea - a mystery :)
aha, ok, it's the popover tooltip code doing it
but why that makes the numbers move about i have no idea
ok, found it... it's in $.tikiPopoverWhereToPlace
chibaguy: I see.
jonnyb: there is no css position:center is tehre? looks like some rubbish code in there...
hmm, oh - it's not css, it's a made up html attribute i think...
Tiki-KGB: 03robertokir r63183 10trunk/ 10tiki-rename_page.php 10templates/tiki-rename_page.tpl * Wiki Page Rename: fix code to adhere standards
jonnyb: i think that whole function is redundant now - bootstrap popovers seem celever enough to work out where to appear...
chibaguy: Ok, yeah, it'd be good to get rid of the old code if it's unnecessary.
Tiki-KGB: 03kroky6 r63184 10branches/17.x/modules/mod-func-menupage.php * [FIX] update permission error message in module menupage to be more accurate
03kroky6 r63185 10branches/ 1016.x/modules/mod-func-menupage.php 1016.x
[bp/r63184] [FIX] update permission error message in module menupage to be more accurate
03kroky6 r63186 10branches/ 1015.x 1015.x/modules/mod-func-menupage.php
[bp/r63184] [FIX] update permission error message in module menupage to be more accurate
03kroky6 r63187 10trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_h5p.php 10trunk/lib/core/Tracker/Field/GroupSelector.php 10trunk 10trunk/modules/mod-func-menupage.php * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 63169 to 63184
03amette r63188 10branches/17.x/tiki-check.php * [FIX] mod-curl is needed for H5P
amette_: alright.. took a while to get 17.x set up in PHPStorm, but now that's done, too - woop :)
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r63189 10branches/17.x/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js
[FIX] popovers: Remove the code in tikiPopoverWhereToPlace that was setting the css display to inline-block for anything with a tooltip, which was causing numbered lists to behave weirdly on tiki.org (thanks chibaguy), also use this to position popovers for "ajaxtips" which was missing.
jonnyb: Thanks amette_ for r63188 but as i was going to say (then got distracted) hopefully that dependency will be removed for 17.1 :P
amette_: oh, ok
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r63190 10trunk/tiki-check.php 10trunk/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 63184 to 63189
amette_: yeah, well, got 17.x set up in PHPStorm then :P
jonnyb: this is A Good Thing :)
amette_: Agreed. :)
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r63191 10branches/17.x/lib/modules/modlib.php
[FIX] modules: Hopefully a fix for wish6381 - could not reproduce but this line will include the file where convertToTiki9 lives (thanks BSfez)
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robertokir: you can share here that problem
jonnyb: polom montefuscolo and robertokir
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r63192 10branches/17.x/lib/metadata/reconcile.php
[FIX] php7: Strings cannot be used as arrays any more. Also declare $finalall before use.
robertokir: Polom! Hi everyone, in my local Trunk install I try to remove a wikipage and get a System Error message. Fabio has reproduced the problem.
jonnyb: polom robertokir
robertokir: polom jonnyb!
montefuscolo: yes, maybe a sql error
how are you guys? everything ok?
jonnyb: yes, all fine here thanks, but very distracted (my poor clients! :) )
Jyhem: Hi guys, less distracted, more active :)
robertokir: jonnyb, montefuscolo, should I paste the entire message here or not necessary? maybe only the defective query?
jonnyb: maybe find a pastebin somewhere if it's big?
amette_: where's that one you use?
amette_: https://zerobin.amette.eu
jonnyb: ta :)
robertokir: Great! https://zerobin.amette.eu/?93fa217a551c6365#p9cURZIV5ihaaznhCS99421wlr2LLQNObJiLUH0HcpQ=
thanks amette_
jonnyb: thanks - someone did some changes in page removal recently i think... let me try it here
amette_: yw, robertokir
jonnyb: hmm, just worked fine using the context menu on listpages...
hmmm, that worked fine too - how did you get this robertokir ?
maybe a good time to file a bug report (wish) and make a show instance?
robertokir: jonnyb, it's a fresh install of 18.0. Either usign context menu on listpage, or inside the page --> more --> remove
jonnyb: which versions of mysql and php?
because that error "Unknown column 'Array' in 'where clause'" as there doesn't seem to be any reference to a column called Array
but that's what an array comes out like when converted to a string in php...
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robertokir: PHP Version 5.6.30
mysql (mariadb actually) 10.2.6+maria~jessie
jonnyb: doesn't sound too racy ;)
robertokir: beg your pardon?
jonnyb: but i'm not familiar with mariadb versions, is that very new (or old)?
robertokir: I guess it's very new, montefuscolo installed it on my machine (Dockers)
jonnyb: sorry, doesn't sound experimental or out of the ordinary
and you get the same error montefuscolo ?
montefuscolo: Yes, jonnyb
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Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r63193 10branches/17.x/lib/filegals/h5plib.php
[FIX] h5p: Remove version query ("cache buster") from the js files being added to headerlib as when minified those files were not being found causing errors
jonnyb: amette_ and/or Jyhem: how often does doc do svn up? Just hopefully fixed h5p when minified so am keen to test! :)
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robertokir: Hi jonnyb, so is it a case for a bug report?
jonnyb: yes, i think so, i couldn't see any easy fix i'm afraid
then you can create a show instance and try and recreate the problem there, but i have a feeling it's something to do with mariadb or docker as we've not had any otehr reports of this (afaik)
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Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r63194 10branches/17.x/templates/h5p/edit.tpl * [FIX] h5p: No delete button when creating new content
robertokir: thanks jonnyb, I've just registered at tiki.org, as soon as I get approved I'll file the bug.
jonnyb: ok, i'm on it :)
ok, done
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robertokir: great, thanks.
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r63195 10branches/17.x/lib/filegals/h5plib.php * [FIX] h5p: More fixes for minification for the h5p-editor
03jonnybradley r63196 10(5 files in 5 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 63189 to 63195
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Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6385
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Tiki-KGB: 03robertokir r63197 10trunk/ 10tiki-rename_page.php 10templates/tiki-rename_page.tpl * Wiki Page Rename: better phrasing for Semantic Alias option
03chealer r63198 10branches/16.x/templates/list_file_gallery_content.tpl
Stop automatically hiding and showing action popover
This restores the pre-Tiki 14 behavior, which works around issue #5668.
Worked around in 17.x via r62687/r62391
03chealer r63199 10branches/15.x/templates/list_file_gallery_content.tpl
[bp/r63198] Stop automatically hiding and showing action popover
This restores the pre-Tiki 14 behavior, which works around issue #5668.
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