[00:52] amette_ left #tikiwiki [06:12] Tiki|bot Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6386 [07:30] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [08:16] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [08:37] brolin_empey joined #tikiwiki [09:34] Tiki-KGB 03kroky6 r63200 10branches/17.x/lib/ 10core/Tracker/Field/GroupSelector.php 10trackers/trackerlib.php [09:34] Tiki-KGB [FIX] UserSelector field parsing fix for single element empty string array evaluating to true - thanks Jonny, chealer [09:36] Tiki-KGB 03kroky6 r63201 10branches/ 1016.x/lib/core/Tracker/Field/GroupSelector.php 1016.x/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php 1016.x [09:36] Tiki-KGB [bp/r63200] [FIX] UserSelector field parsing fix for single element empty string array evaluating to true - thanks Jonny, chealer [09:38] Tiki-KGB 03kroky6 r63202 10trunk/lib/core/Tracker/Field/GroupSelector.php 10trunk 10trunk/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 63195 to 63200 [10:11] redflo joined #tikiwiki [10:18] luciash pulum pulum [10:55] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [11:09] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [11:11] Telesight joined #tikiwiki [11:18] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [11:35] Jyhem polom [11:35] * Jyhem loves https://doc.tiki.org/PluginH5P :) [11:35] jonnyb pompom Jyhem [11:35] jonnyb thanks for making it work! :) [11:35] Jyhem hi Jonny [11:35] jonnyb does editing work today? it was borken due to minify js issues yesterday... [11:36] Jyhem Can H5P slides have music, too? [11:36] jonnyb good question... probably [11:37] Jyhem Not that I have a need. It's just like the next obvious step seeing as all the rest is there [11:37] jonnyb editing does work now, but i don't see an audio option on that prosentation one... you could ask them :) [11:38] Jyhem I'm sure it's been asked of them already :) [11:40] jonnyb It's an extraordinary project, once we get it properly embedded in tiki (with access to tracker data particularly) a lot of the crappy old features (like quizzes, polls etc etc) can go, i reckon (so big thanks to marclaporte for making it happen!) [11:44] Jyhem yes, I'm still annoyed this project with H5P did not materialise :-( [11:46] Jyhem BTW, I'll be offline for the week-end and mostly afk today for preparations and tonight. So ther's anything I should do, drop some line here before the evening. [11:50] * luciash still did not find time to test H5P properly :( [12:20] amette_ joined #tikiwiki [12:32] amette_ polom [12:39] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [12:54] jonnyb polom amette_ and fabricius and all [12:55] amette_ heya jonnyb [13:10] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [13:50] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [14:49] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [16:12] Tiki|bot Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6387 [16:46] Tiki-KGB 03robertokir r63203 10trunk/templates/tiki-rename_page.tpl * Wiki Page Rename: allow creation of Semantic Alias only if dependencies are met [17:24] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [17:55] amette_ left #tikiwiki [17:55] amette_ joined #tikiwiki [17:59] fabricius polom [18:00] fabricius currently installing a Tiki 17.0 and cannot proceed the installer ... additionally if not related the installer has a bunch of adodb errors [18:00] fabricius anything known about installation errors in svn 17.x? [18:01] fabricius sorry, it is svn 17 not download of branch [18:02] fabricius Jyhem: I believe to know that h5p needs kind of edited files ... conceptual kind of a mixture between a wikipage and a themefile [18:03] fabricius luciash: what is not materialising? h5p in Tiki? <-> we "simply" need to figure it out :D [18:03] fabricius bolow jonny [18:03] fabricius hmmm [19:49] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [21:13] Tiki|bot Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6388 [23:47] luis_asa joined #tikiwiki [23:49] amette_ left #tikiwiki [23:49] amette_ joined #tikiwiki