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Tiki-KGB: 03drsassafras r63209 10branches/ 1016.x/lib/core/TikiFilter.php 1016.x/lib/core/TikiFilter/RelativeUrl.php * [FIX] Posible fix for tiki-wizard_admin.php?url=index.php not working.
03drsassafras r63210 10branches/17.x/lib/core/TikiFilter/PreventXss.php * [FIX] Dont kill donkeys and monkeys.
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Tiki-KGB: 03xavidp r63211 10trunk/ 10tiki-wizard_admin.php 03lib/wizard/pages/upgrade_new_in_18.php 03templates/wizard/upgrade_new_in_18.tpl
[FIX]Expose the missing new prefs and info about improved features (thanks Marc for the info in doc.t.o and dev.t.o about Tiki18) in the corresponding new page of the upgrade wizard for Tiki18. Please, add here somewhere also the new prefs that you or others add to trunk before 18.0 is released, if you can (thks).
03xavidp r63212 10trunk/templates/wizard/upgrade_doc_page_iframe.tpl
[FIX]Show the corresponding page from doc.t.o for Tiki18 LTS in the upgrade wizard (aggregated info from the last LTS)
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fabricius: polom
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amette_: polom
fabricius: amette_ phone?
jonnyb: pompom
amette_: hi jonnyb
fabricius: amette_: pn ur number (might have wrong)
hi jonnyb
amette_: lost data from old phone
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Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r63213 10branches/17.x/templates/plugin/list.tpl
[FIX] plugins: Show checkboxes for all plugins on the admin list, even if they don't have the plugin name set as a pref (for instance in plugin aliases)
fabricius: hi jonnyb, I have aquestion to CartoGraf, you maybe could answer
jonnyb: on the page "Map" where the various maps are shown, the wiki code has {APPFRAME()} {COLUMN()} and {COND()}, which I do not fully understand. I am looking for an opportunity to limit the visibility of Points of Interest to not show "closed" items. I do not find a {LIST()} plugin and do not understand, where to put in a filter or so. Do you have a clue?
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repolom fabricius, you still about?
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Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r63214 10branches/17.x/ 10(9 files in 2 dirs) * [FIX] plugins: Template files in the wrong place
03jonnybradley r63215 10branches/17.x/templates/plugin/list.tpl
[FIX] plugins: Show plugin title (translated) instead of the short name as the title, and translate the descriptions.
03jonnybradley r63216 10branches/17.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_dialog.php
[FIX] php7: Initialise array params as arrays, not strings (this probably need a more global fix upstream)
03jonnybradley r63217 10branches/17.x/templates/tiki-listpages.tpl * [FIX] aliases: Better layout for aliases found in page search
03jonnybradley r63218 10branches/17.x/admin/include_semantic.php * [FIX] aliases: Fix the "show usage" function on admin semantic panel
03jonnybradley r63219 10(15 files in 7 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 63206 to 63218
fabricius: jonnyb: am about
jonnyb: thx for the hint (status)
jonnyb: pompom fabricius - hope it helps :)
fabricius: Will hopefully report in a few minutes
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Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r63220 10branches/17.x/ 10lib/core/Tracker/Field/Factory.php 10templates/admin/include_semantic.tpl * [FIX] trackers: Return an array from getFieldInfo even if it doesn't exist
03jonnybradley r63221 10branches/17.x/lib/core/Tracker/Options.php * [FIX] trackers: Check the params are an array before accessing
Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: -
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