Tiki-KGB: [ENH] Allow toggling the width of long data tables for cases where usability is temporarily more important than layout
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jonnyb: hi chibaguy
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long time ;)
jonnyb: polom ipfreely
sorry, bad timing, i'm just off out
ipfreely: no worries :)
nice to see you regardless
enjoy your day
jonnyb: thanks, come again soon! :)
ipfreely: :)
Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6391
luciash: polom
hi ipfreely
ipfreely: :)
Im surprised this irc channel is still so intimate
you guys have made such massive progress with the codebase
panamaus: joined #tikiwiki
luciash: ipfreely: heheh, thanks! :)
ipfreely: no, thank you :)
im using tiki for pretty much any project i can make it work with :P
Jyhem: polom
luciash: hi Jyhem
Jyhem: hi luciash
I'd like to add an option to blogs (a per blog option). Can i do this without adding a field in the database?
luciash: Jyhem: I don't think so
well, unless you introduce some per blog preferences like blog1_blabla, blog2_blabla in the prefs table, which would sound way hacky to me...
Jyhem: Ohh. I hoped one of the new mystery stuff like object attributes could do it now :-(
ipfreely: mystery stuff scares me
i gotta redo one of my sites
cause mysteriously the email field notify feature stopped working :P
luciash: Jyhem: ah, you mean for your customer only... then some of the relations stuff maybe
luis_asa: ipfreely: I'm impressed with the massive progress with the codebase too (getting back after 10 years :-) )
ipfreely: too many upgrades :P
luciash: Jyhem: too mysterious for me a well :-p
*as well
Jyhem: doc.t.o is no help regarding this?
Jyhem: hmm, I don't know where to start. Not for my customers. It's that missing option for « automatically categorize blog posts as the blog is categorized », so users are not presented with a huge list of all existing categories when then simply wish to post something
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Tiki-KGB: 03xavidp r63233 10branches/17.x/templates/wizard/upgrade_new_in_17.tpl
[FIX]Added missing plugin benchmark (just found out about it's existance). Did my best to drop some lines in the (previously) almost empty page in https://doc.tiki.org/PluginBenchmark
03xavidp r63234 10branches/17.x/lib/prefs/webcron.php
[FIX]Add missing description to the preference and provide help url for more information
03xavidp r63235 10branches/17.x/templates/wizard/upgrade_new_in_17.tpl
[FIX]Add missing prefs for Web cron (just found out about it), and the pref for the feature scheduler is commented out since it seems the pref was not backported yet to 17.x (pref to provide a way to fully disallow using scheduler code is to be backported after 17.0 is released maybe?)
03xavidp r63236 10branches/17.x/templates/wizard/upgrade_new_in_17.tpl
[FIX]Add missing info about the Scheduler feature in the upgrade wizard (while there is no preference, at least display info and link to doc) so that new admins know about it. Fix consistency of left margin / layout in that last section of text with previous preferences.
03jyhem r63237 10trunk/ 10templates/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerlist.tpl 10lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerlist.php * [ENH] Minor text improvements on r63232. Thanks Gary & Chealer
03xavidp r63238 10trunk/templates/wizard/upgrade_new_in_18.tpl
[FIX]Added missing plugin pivottable in the list of updated plugins (subtotal.js was added)
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