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jonnyb: pompom chibaguy
chibaguy: hi jonnyb
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amette: looks like the log files on es01 are under control... we should be save from disk full now.
amette_: and 12xthemes gives 500 and throws the stack traces again - wtf!?
jonnyb: polom amette_
amette_: hi jonnyb :)
jonnyb: i checked out the commit i did in 12.x which involved the layout tpl but my local one seems fine
but there might well be some customisation on that one, any ideas chibaguy ?
chibaguy: jonnyb, a customized layout tpl at 12xthemes? Not that I know of.
jonnyb: Hmm, odd one
i would have thought if 12.x was generally that borken people would be yelling (a lot)
amette_: Yeah, it is pretty weird.
I just svn statussed it and there are lots of question marks, but nothing looking too weird.
now the site works again - W.T.F.!?
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amette_: Hey chibaguy : I just stumbled upon this file gallery download count bug https://dev.tiki.org/item6172 since I have the same issue. Just FYI: stats got deactivated on dev/doc due to performance issues (every read results in a DB-write for recording stats). I think the only way around this for high traffic sites would be to use logging to elasticsearch. Which again wouldn't fix the dl-count in the file galleries. So yeah.. kinda unsatisfactory. :-|
chibaguy: I see, amette_. Thanks for the info.
I wonder if a download counter only for file galleries could be coded as a lighter-weight alternative.
amette_: In the end this is a UX bug, I guess.... the stats-field in the file galleries should be hidden, if stats is not activated (WYSIWYCA). But that's probably quite a lot of work for this 'little' benefit.
chibaguy : yes, or that!! Been wondering the same... just take the file gallery counter out of the stats-thingy.
Though: if we start making exceptions to the rule... it won't take long and we'll have dozens of writes for every read on our hands again.
chibaguy: Yep, that could be a problem.
amette_: Well, let's marinate that information for a while. And I'll call it a day for now. cya
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Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6404
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Tiki-KGB: 03robertokir r63271 10trunk/templates/tiki-adminusers.tpl * [ENH] In tiki-adminuser.php: new action: switch to this user
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