Tiki-KGB: [FIX] When there are 2 tables (ListExecute) in the page, the ids are not generated.
Disable button if the user don't select any option.
03rjsmelo r63301 10branches/17.x/lib/core/Search/Action/EmailAction.php * [FIX] Email Action (Plugin ListExecute) did not respect pref log_mail
03rjsmelo r63302 10branches/15.x/lib/core/Search/Action/EmailAction.php * [bp/63301][FIX] Email Action (Plugin ListExecute) did not respect pref log_mail
03rjsmelo r63303 10trunk/lib/core/Search/Action/EmailAction.php 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 63287 to 63301
03rjsmelo r63304 10trunk/ 10lib/prefs/http.php 10templates/admin/include_security.tpl
[ENH] Move HTTP header settings related to security to the security page, mark prefs as advanced
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Tiki-KGB: 03amnabilal r63305 10trunk/ 10(5 files in 4 dirs)
[EHN]Added options for number of columns, background color and background image in PDF settings, PluginPDF and plugin PDFPage.
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jonnyb: polomette
amette_: hej jonny!
-: jonnyb waves
amette_: :)
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Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r63306 10branches/17.x/lib/menubuilder/menulib.php * [FIX] menus: Suppress icons when parsing menu item labels (e.g. plugin edit etc)
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Jyhem: pompom
heard that before :-D http://abstrusegoose.com/432
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r63307 10branches/17.x/ 10lib/core/Search/Elastic/Index.php 10lib/prefs/unified.php 10lib/search/searchlib-unified.php 10templates/admin/include_search.tpl
[FIX] search: Added the possessive_stemmer for elasticsearch so words ending 's can be found without needing to enter the whole thing
i.e. search for Harry will now find Harry, Harrys and Harry's
Done as an optional preference as this may interfere with other languages but is enabled by default.
03jonnybradley r63308 10branches/17.x/lib/menubuilder/menulib.php
[FIX] menus: Correction for r63306 (suppress icons when parsing menu item labels) - thanks Chealer
03jonnybradley r63309 10(6 files in 6 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 63301 to 63308
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amette_: hehe, yep, happens *g*
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