Jyhem_: joined #tikiwiki Caarrie: joined #tikiwiki Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6411 amette_: joined #tikiwiki
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moqmoq moloq amette_: wodwod wolod jonnyb: pompom amette
and amette_ amette_: heya jonnyb :) jonnyb: polom chibaguy__: (also nice underscores today!) - fancy a little css challenge in 17.x? chibaguy__: Hi jonnyb and amette_
Sure, what's the challenge? amette_: hi chibaguy__ :) jonnyb: pompom chibaguy__ i sent a mail to the dev list about it, it was a bit long for here anyway
regarding input-groups chibaguy__: ok
In trunk I want to enable "intrusion detection system" but when I try, I get this: "Missing package: enygma/expose". But running composer doesn't install anything new.
Any ideas? Jyhem: pompom
chibaguy__: I believe we can add new comoser packages now, such as mPDF. Maybe this enygma is available this way? chibaguy__: oh, maybe so. I assumed it was a standard package.
I see what you mean about the input group - that's bothered me, too. jonnyb: yay, chibaguy__ to the rescue! :)
Yes, i also think the IDS thing needs to be installed using the new composer extras installer (but i haven't tried it yet, still stuck in 17.x ;) ) chibaguy__: Too bad Chosen has so many style rules that it probably doesn't really need to have - then they have to be overridden. Jyhem: I tried it with mPDF and it worked flawlessly chibaguy__: Nice.
Here with a Windows localhost, IIRC, I had a "composer cannot be found" error when I tried to install a package. Jyhem: Ahhh, I found how I did it for mPDF: https://doc.tiki.org/mPDF#Tiki_17 and it's partly magic (the "^6.1" part) Tiki-KGB: 03kroky6 r63337 10trunk/templates/search/list/table.tpl
[FIX] complements trunk-only update r63090 to fix selection of all items even when some of them are not checked - due to tablesorter indeterminate state of the select-all checkbox Jyhem: maybe "php temp/composer.phar require enygma/expose " would be enough chibaguy__: Thanks, Jyhem, that did it :-)
bbl - time to walk dogs Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r63338 10branches/17.x/ 10lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-maps.js 10tiki-setup.php
[FIX] maps: Move the include for the openlayers2 css file from JS to tiki-setup.php so it gets found even when js is being minified
03robertokir r63339 10trunk/ 10templates/wiki/remove_pages.tpl 10templates/tiki-rename_page.tpl
[DOC] Use standard Smarty syntax for Information icon in rename and delete wiki pages.
03robertokir r63340 10trunk/templates/wiki/remove_pages.tpl * Cleaned leftovers.
03jonnybradley r63341 10branches/17.x/lib/headerlib.php
[FIX] jsminify: The new minifier takes the input to be javascript content if a it is not the path to an existing file, so prevent this and show an error instead of js errors.
Hopefully will help the issues seen on various t.o site with the codemirror modes file not being sometimes there after clearing caches.
03jonnybradley r63342 10trunk/lib/headerlib.php 10trunk/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-maps.js 10trunk 10trunk/tiki-setup.php * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 63335 to 63341 amette_: left #tikiwiki
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Hi all, I tried to log in to the community page, and got a "Potential cross-site request forgery (CSRF) detected. Operation blocked. Required headers are missing."
How can I log in now?
@Tiki-KGB: I saw you worked on CSRF false positives a month ago, could you advise me? Tiki-KGB: 03chealer r63343 10trunk/changelog.txt
[rb/r62853 "[FIX][bp/r62852] Rolls back r61942 after discussion. In the interest of keeping tags simple" amette_: left #tikiwiki
joined #tikiwiki Tiki-KGB: 03chealer r63344 10trunk/changelog.txt
Turn subtags back into tags
Partially reverts r61942 following https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/mailman/message/35951892/