[00:08] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [00:32] Tiki-KGB 03pom2ter r63636 10trunk/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js [00:32] Tiki-KGB [FIX] fullscreen toggle icons shouldnt display when the wiki editor is in fullscreen mode [01:38] zlinux joined #tikiwiki [01:50] luis_asa joined #tikiwiki [02:18] amette_ left #tikiwiki [02:18] amette_ joined #tikiwiki [02:39] amette_ left #tikiwiki [04:30] luis_asa joined #tikiwiki [04:43] jnguyen joined #tikiwiki [04:44] jnguyen hello please help... i have tried to register but have never got validated... my email is jnguyen@ssis.edu. I have a bug to report but cannot [04:47] jnguyen_ joined #tikiwiki [04:48] jnguyen_ May I get my account verified please jnguyen@ssis.edu.vn [04:49] jnguyen_ hello? [04:56] john joined #tikiwiki [04:56] john any admin available? [04:57] Guest98426 hello? [04:58] Guest98426 is there any support team online? [05:03] guest___ joined #tikiwiki [05:12] Tiki-KGB 03drsassafras r63637 10branches/17.x/doc/devtools/translate.php [05:12] Tiki-KGB [ENH] Update English Strings - Now skips duplicate replacement and search strings, significantly better verbiage, implemented 'audit' mode to view out of sync strings, implemented 'email' mode for out of sync strings [05:14] Tiki-KGB 03drsassafras r63638 10trunk/doc/devtools/translate.php 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 63633 to 63637 [06:34] Tiki-KGB 03drsassafras r63639 10branches/17.x/ 10(65 files in 54 dirs) [06:34] Tiki-KGB [DOC] Prefs Doc General Cleanup - Removed 'If Enabled' (thanks Chealer), cleaned up experimental and warning tags [06:42] Tiki-KGB 03drsassafras r63640 10(66 files in 55 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 63637 to 63639 [07:10] Tiki-KGB 03drsassafras r63641 10branches/17.x/ 10(53 files in 53 dirs) * [TRA] Sync language files with codebase (wtih get_strings.php) [07:48] Tiki-KGB 03drsassafras r63642 10(54 files in 54 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 63639 to 63641 [08:10] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [08:46] Tiki-KGB 03rjsmelo r63643 10trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_tracker.php * [FIX] Revert automatic merge changes to wikiplugin_tracker as part of r63606 [10:03] amette_ joined #tikiwiki [10:55] panamaus joined #tikiwiki [11:01] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [11:21] zlinux joined #tikiwiki [11:48] luis_asa joined #tikiwiki [12:04] robertokir joined #tikiwiki [13:01] luis_asa joined #tikiwiki [14:04] amette_ polom [14:12] Tiki-KGB 03robertokir r63644 10trunk/lib/wiki/histlib.php * [FIX] Wrong user in wiki page rollback edit comments. [15:10] Tiki-KGB 03chealer r63645 10branches/ 1017.x/lib/wiki/histlib.php 1017.x [15:12] Tiki-KGB 03chealer r63646 10branches/ 1017.x/lib/wiki/histlib.php 1017.x * [rb/r63645] OOPS [15:13] chibaguy joined #tikiwiki [15:31] robertokir joined #tikiwiki [15:45] amette_ left #tikiwiki [16:47] amette_ joined #tikiwiki [17:26] Tiki-KGB 03chealer r63647 10branches/17.x/lib/wiki/histlib.php [17:26] Tiki-KGB [bp/r63644] [FIX] Wrong user in wiki page rollback edit comments [17:26] Tiki-KGB r63618 regression, Oops. Thanks to Marc Laporte [17:40] Tiki-KGB 03chealer r63648 10trunk/lib/wiki/histlib.php [17:40] Tiki-KGB [REF] use_version(): Optimize [17:40] Tiki-KGB Prevents $user different from global $user [19:05] Telesight joined #tikiwiki [20:38] zlinux joined #tikiwiki [20:53] giesen joined #tikiwiki [21:22] Tiki-KGB 03kroky6 r63649 10branches/17.x/lib/ 10core/Tracker/Field/DynamicList.php 10core/Tracker/Field/ItemsList.php [21:22] Tiki-KGB [FIX] multiple/linked ItemsList and/or DynamicList fields conflict resolved: initial trigger of change handlers reduced to minimum - ideally once but in some cases like ItemsList depending on a DynamicList field twice with DynamicList change handler taking precedence, so ItemsList values could be taken from the updated DynamicList field [21:30] Tiki-KGB 03kroky6 r63650 10trunk/lib/core/Tracker/Field/DynamicList.php 10trunk/lib/core/Tracker/Field/ItemsList.php 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/17.x 63641 to 63649 [21:41] zlinux joined #tikiwiki [22:08] zlinux_ joined #tikiwiki [22:30] Tiki-KGB 03kroky6 r63651 10trunk/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php [22:30] Tiki-KGB [ENH] trackerlib item search for ItemLink field in numeric context allow searching for data value as well, not only the linked item ID; example use case: user generated numeric IDs linked via ItemLink field should be searchable in tracker items list [22:48] zlinux joined #tikiwiki [22:50] Tiki-KGB 03kroky6 r63652 10trunk/lib/core/Tracker/Tabular/Writer/TrackerWriter.php [22:50] Tiki-KGB [ENH] report duplicate entries when importing and updating existing entries with Tracker Tabular [23:14] amette_ left #tikiwiki [23:14] amette_ joined #tikiwiki