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hey amette__ , how are you?
Jyhem, I heard about a system called BareOS. It may be interesting to backup things. robertokir: joined #tikiwiki tibo_: joined #tikiwiki tibo__: joined #tikiwiki Bsfez: joined #tikiwiki aspekt_: joined #tikiwiki
hi - I am fairly new to tiki, but i am offline a lot, so can anyone point me to where I can get an offline version of the documentation please? jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki olinuxx: aspekt_, you can "export as pdf" in the https://doc.tiki.org
Look at the "/" arrow in the up-right corner of a page aspekt_: olinuxx thanks for that - I think I saw that but was hoping for something like html or similar. I will try with the .pdf export and see if I need more help later - thanks! olinuxx: no worries
hope that helps aspekt_: olinuxx - hmmm I thought I remembered having a look at it and it only downloads the page not the entire document. Think of me sitting on a plane... ;-) Telesight: joined #tikiwiki Larry_: joined #tikiwiki
Hello. Considering tiki wiki. Any thoughts on security of single computer install?