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robertokir1joined #tikiwiki [00:45]
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luciashpolom [10:25]
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luciashhi jonny [10:34]
jonnybpolom luciash [10:35]
luciashI think snowrichard found something about the eromneg's feature causing trouble in mail subject
jonnybit was a bit of a weird one that, not surprised really [10:40]
luciashi will try and write to him if he can have a look at that
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robertokirjoined #tikiwiki [11:58]
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moloq chibaguy
olinuxxHi, I'm trying to log in doc.tiki.org, but don't remember my password. I was then looking for "Password forgotten" but can't find it. How to do so? [13:16]
tibo_joined #tikiwiki
hello all !
somebody can explain me how can i insert embed.ly code in tikiwiki page ?
when i try, i have just text and link, no picture and no formatted...
plz, i search for hours
what i want :
chibaguyhi jonnyb [13:24]
tibo_<blockquote class="embedly-card" data-card-key="39d439cef2414c4590bb7c53233a12bc" data-card-type="article"><h4><a href="WEBSITE URL">View text</p></blockquote> <script async src="//cdn.embedly.com/widgets/platform.js" charset="UTF-8"></script> [13:24]
chibaguyhi olinnuxx. You can go to https://tiki.org/tiki-remind_password.php . [13:25]
olinuxxthanks chibaguy , doing it right now [13:27]
chibaguytibo_, does the embedly code look ok in the page source? (I'd be on the lookout for "<x>" being inserted as an anti-vandalism measure.
Also, is your page allowing HTML syntax directly? You could also try inside an HTML plugin on a normal wiki page.
(As far as that goes, does the embed.ly code work ok in a plain vanilla html file at your site (not served by Tiki)?
RadoSchibaguy, how would users know about that without #tikiwiki help?
(pw change)
rather "recovery"
tibo_ok, i finally to do what i want but with {HTML()} syntax... i don't understand why i can't before...
but now i can't open in edit mode beacause he said wating for approbation
i use embed.ly on wordpress without problem like that
jonnybRadoS: good point, it should say that on *.tiki.org sites where it usually shows "forgot password" [13:35]
olinuxxchibaguy, it appears that I succeeded to change my password ontiki.org, but when trying to log in from doc.tiki.org, it gives me "XMLRPC Error: 5 - Didn’t receive 200 OK from remote server. (HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error)"
maybe I just need to wait a bit for my password update to be taken in account
jonnybolinuxx: can you log in at tiki.org ok? [13:39]
olinuxxlet me try [13:39]
RadoSjonnyb, at my site it doesn't matter much because of ldap, but on the .tiki.org sites it would help. [13:39]
olinuxxjonnyb, yes, I can log in tiki.org
retry to log in from doc.tiki.org but it doesn't work and still gives me the same error message
jonnybweird one - intertiki is so hard to debug... i could try and clear the caches on both for you... 1 mo [13:44]
olinuxxjonnyb, ok, let me know when you're done and I can retry [13:45]
jonnybok olinuxx - caches cleared on both, try again? (bet it's not that though!)
how about trying on dev.t.o or themes.t.o?
chibaguytibo_, I'm not sure how many Tiki sites use embed.ly. I suppose maybe it has been more debugged on WordPress due to more people trying it there. [13:48]
olinuxxjonnyb, it works, I'm logged in doc.tiki.org
jonnyb, thanks for your help there :)
jonnybwoot, amazing! :)
(no idea why that worked, most mysterious)
olinuxxjonnyb, do you still want me to try on dev.t.o or themes
jonnyb, do you still want me to try on dev.t.o or themes.t.o ?
jonnybno, that was only assuming doc still failed for you :P [13:49]
chibaguytibo_, also Tiki is more set up for collaborative use, so editing may not be as simple as other platforms that are designed for a single logged-in editor. [13:50]
olinuxxok jonnyb
have a nice day and thanks again for your help
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jonnybfood time now, bbl... [14:14]
tibo_ok thx everybody [14:15]
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redflojoined #tikiwiki [14:40]
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Hello all
I try to use Google API (analytics and captcha)
Seems don't work
I filled informations give by Google but nothing seems to work
Somebody to help me ?
It seems there IS ni communication between website and Google API
Something to check ?

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