amette_: joined #tikiwiki
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luciash: pimpilimpompom
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Jyhem: pimpimpim :)
Roundtable is in 3h, correct?
amette_: No idea, didn't know it's today.
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luciash: yep, 15:00 CEST
13:00 UTC
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jonnyb: pompom chibaguy and all
luciash: hihi
chibaguy: hi all
robertokir: polom
luciash: we need oliver to svn up
jonnyb: i think you asked him recently?
jonnyb: hi luciash - yes, yesterday i think? no reply so far...
luciash: i will fwd directly to him
just did
jonnyb: thanks luciash - struggling here, will be late to the RTM i'm afraid by the look of it...
luciash: ok, we can start and you can join us later asap
jonnyb: going as quick as i can :)
luciash: wow, in my Chrome BBB looks much different today!
looks like a huge update - not sure this is still flash based or html5/webrtc now
come and join me ;)
jonnyb: :O
luciash: still flash
chibaguy_: joined #tikiwiki
I can't stay logged in at the BBB roundtable for more than a minute or two, for some reason.
So have given up on it for now.
jonnyb: hi chibaguy_ - sorry i'm late, need to commit this lot and then i'll be joining...
chibaguy_: ok
(hi jonnyb)
Hmm, I made a minor CSS change in my local branch 17 and now am getting a 500 internal server error.
luciash: chibaguy_: so do we on - coincidence?
chibaguy_: Well, I don't think my CSS edit was responsible for the localhost problem. Is there some change in recent commits that could cause it?
luciash: hmm, last commit was by jonny in 17 i think
lets see
chibaguy_: My trunk is ok; it's svn up to date.
branch 15 is ok here.
also branch 12
luciash: strange trunk is fine
all should be auto-merged there
so if problem was on 17.x it would affect trunk as well
chibaguy_: Hmm
luciash: unless it runs on different php version on your site
chibaguy_: on php 5.6 here
php 5.6.26
luciash: do you have the wiki filed type enambled on 17 while not on trunk?
chibaguy_: ...checking....
Hmm, just got a 500 error at http://localhost/Tiki/trunk/tiki-admin.php?page=trackers
luciash: try svn up -r63903
that should help you temporarily
it was mistake by jonny we think he must be running php7 but he is not online yet to confirm
chibaguy_: ok, that fixes branch 17 here,
time to walk dogs. bbl.
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luciash: bye gary
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chibaguy_: back
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Trunk and all branches seem ok here now (no errors).
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hey buddies! I'm having some troubles to store files outside database. I checked all options related to storage, setting it to store on "directory" instead database. Am I missing anything?
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jonnyb: ho montefuscolo - usually it's file permissions that messes that up
you told it the path to the dir for that? (can't remember if you need a slash at the end or not, but that used to be important)
did bbb fall over? starting again from
luciash & Jyhem ^^
montefuscolo: Thank you jonnyb !
amette_: left #tikiwiki
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luciash: releases on the way! btw (our lazy robots do not report anymore, sorry)... stay tuned!
anybody here to test 15.5 packages for me? jonny already tested 7z one
err, bz2 one
thanks jonnyb :)
jonnyb: :)
luciash: hmm, nobody to test it seems :'(
i will test myself then :-p
all looks good for 15.5
deeku_: joined #tikiwiki
I have configured Tiki to store files in directory rather than database. I wish there was an easy way to use tiki with cloud storage. I am using Tiki to offer a solution to the Supreme Court of India to record 17000 claims in the next twenty days. Each claimant will upload PDF files totalling about 20MB, so 20x17000 is 340GB... any suggestions about the best way forward?
jonnyb: hi deeku_ sounds interesting but i'm broken - too long a day, another time maybe?
bye bye
giesen: joined #tikiwiki