[00:12] robertokir joined #tikiwiki [00:41] fabricius :) [03:11] Jyhem_laptop_ joined #tikiwiki [03:35] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [04:17] jonnyb moloq! [04:24] Jyhem_laptop polom [05:01] Jyhem_laptop_ joined #tikiwiki [05:13] jonnyb https://dev.tiki.org/File+and+directory+structure+revamp [06:50] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [07:09] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [08:03] Jyhem_laptop_ joined #tikiwiki [08:15] Bsfez joined #tikiwiki [08:19] luciash konipolom [08:19] Bsfez bigrainpolom [08:20] luciash :) [08:20] Bsfez how are you ? [08:20] luciash koni was from konitchiwa, what is bigrain from? :D [08:20] luciash busy but wanted to see some output from the TikiFest here ;) [08:21] Bsfez big rain is from the sky ;) [08:34] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [09:32] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [09:33] redflo joined #tikiwiki [09:39] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [09:41] luciash fabricius: hi Torsten, r u there? [09:55] luciash_ joined #tikiwiki [10:01] luciash jonnyb: hi, how are you doing at the TikiFest? [10:02] luciash_ joined #tikiwiki [10:06] Bsfez we are ALone !!!!!! [10:10] robertokir joined #tikiwiki [10:12] fabricius polom [10:12] fabricius hello [10:12] fabricius whatzup? [10:12] jonnyb polom form the east [10:13] Bsfez Hello Fabricus [10:13] Bsfez Konishuwa Jonny [10:13] jonnyb we were out for walkies [10:13] chibaguy joined #tikiwiki [10:13] jonnyb Something like that back Bsfez [10:13] fabricius hi luciash, jonnyb, Bsfez [10:13] chibaguy polom [10:13] Bsfez he he he [10:13] Bsfez Hi Gary [10:13] Bsfez Hi JM [10:14] Jyhem_laptop Tooooorsteeeeeen !!!! Bernaaaard !! :-D [10:14] jonnyb hi fabricius hi luciash [10:14] Bsfez DDDDAAAaaaaaaa ! [10:14] jonnyb Gary's working on geting BBB and a cam going... stand by :P [10:20] chibaguy hi all [10:27] chibaguy https://live.tiki.org [10:33] Bsfez (flash sux !) [10:34] jonnyb hey, woo - we're on BBB, thanks chibaguy [10:34] Bsfez look so serious ! [10:34] Bsfez :D [10:35] Bsfez but it is frozen now [10:35] jonnyb frozen already! 9.9 [10:35] Bsfez hhhh [10:37] Bsfez I'm alone on live.to are you coming back ? [10:39] fabricius sucking flash [10:39] Jyhem_laptop fabricius: you have questions on IRC [10:39] fabricius I have question? where Jyhem? [10:40] fabricius no see question Jyhem_laptop [10:41] fabricius I hear you in BBB Jyhem_laptop [10:41] Bsfez can you hear me also fabricus ? [10:43] chibaguy Sorry, having connection problems. We'll move to jitsi meet. [10:44] Bsfez https://meet.jit.si/EvoluData [10:45] fabricius did hear you, but obviously BBB Flash is sucking and we are again moving to other alternatives [10:46] chibaguy https://meet.jit.si/tikifestjapan [10:47] Bsfez I can see and hear, but you don't hear me singing ? [10:49] luciash re-polom [10:50] luciash someone is having fun I see :) [10:50] luciash fabricius: can you have a look at the jonny issue with registration mailinglist? [10:52] torsten1 joined #tikiwiki [10:58] luciash__ joined #tikiwiki [11:11] jonnyb luciash: Victor is (bravely) looking at the triple validation emails issue - he was laughing for a while but isn't any more! ;) [11:24] luciash jonnyb: oh, that sounds really brave! thanks Victor! :) [11:26] luciash jonnyb: but he seemed like committing with a victory gesture just few minutes ago ;) [11:28] luciash jonnyb: probably was something else as I cannot see any recent commit in the notifications ;) [11:28] luciash anyway [11:38] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [15:10] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [15:11] jonnyb re [15:25] giesen joined #tikiwiki [19:22] Telesight joined #tikiwiki [19:25] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [19:48] torsten1 joined #tikiwiki [20:53] robertokir joined #tikiwiki [21:02] Telesight joined #tikiwiki [21:10] Telesight joined #tikiwiki [21:23] Telesight joined #tikiwiki [22:41] Bsfez joined #tikiwiki [23:35] Bsfez joined #tikiwiki