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hans_but when I make a wiki link then it shows like https://intern.mydomain.de/F%25F6rdern
any ideas how to solve it?
It should look like https://intern.mydomain.de/F�rdern
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hat sich erledigt. [01:16]
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amette_left #tikiwiki
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left #tikiwiki [02:41]
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Tiki|botRecent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6468
Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6469
Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6470
amette_joined #tikiwiki [10:31]
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chibaguypolom [12:06]
jonnybpompom chibaguy [12:14]
chibaguyhi jonnyb [12:14]
jonnybhow's Clarence P? ;) [12:15]
chibaguyheh, a typhoon came through and we don't seem to have so many now.
I saw one.
jonnyb:O [12:16]
chibaguy(No damage around here - only small branches down, lots of wind and rain.)
But wreaked havoc on Clarence P webs. ;-)
jonnybshame, but hard to feel sorry for him :) [12:23]
chibaguythat's true
but they're energetic rebuilders, it seems.
jonnybwell they haven't got much else to do [12:29]
trebmuhhi all [12:36]
jonnybhi trebmuh [12:37]
trebmuhhi jonnyb how are things going today? [12:38]
jonnybgood thanks (well, the usuals for Monday morning ;) ) [12:38]
trebmuh:) [12:40]
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jonnybchibaguy: you still here? Should i switch the bs4 from twitter to twbs in composer? they have beta 2 do they? [13:20]
robertokirjoined #tikiwiki [13:28]
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chibaguyhi jonnyb, yes, I think it would be good to switch. [13:49]
jonnybthought so, been looking and of course it's not so simple (is it ever!) [13:50]
chibaguyhm, I see. [13:51]
jonnybjonnyb wonders why his phpstorm keeps coming out with Japanese text in the terminal still...
it just said: ファイルのデータを送信しています .................................done :P
chibaguyHeh, it still thinks it's traveling, I guess. Thanks. [13:54]
Jyhempolom [14:01]
jonnybmoloq Jyhem [14:01]
Jyhemjapanese timezone? :-D [14:01]
montefuscolo+50 [14:05]
chibaguyjonnyb, I svn updated and ran composer update, but still have vendor_bundled/twitter and not twbs. Is there something else I need to do? [14:07]
jonnybi added twbs to satis.json in trunk - i have it part done here, weill commit something (probably a bit of a mess, you'll need to setup.sh and recompile?) [14:09]
chibaguyoh, ok, thanks.
so it needs to be merged to the bootstrap4 branch, right?
jonnybchibaguy: committed to the bs4 branch
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jonnybJyhem: this was the commit for popper.js https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/64312/
still not appearing on https://composer.tiki.org
Jyhemhow do I know if it happens? What to look for? [15:09]
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jonnybJyhem: maybe check in the composere cache to see if there's a dir of file called fezvrasta/popper.js (or some sort of error related)? [16:33]
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Jyhemhi jonnyb, no sign of popper or fez* in ~/.composer/cache [19:19]
jonnybthanks Jyhem - most odd [19:20]
Jyhemor in /var/local/composer.tiki.org/last_update_satis.log which has the output of /etc/local/satis/update_satis.sh [19:20]
jonnybhas that commit been incorporated into the satis composer.json file?
how weird, it's definitely in there, so should either break it or just work...
JyhemSatis update
Scanning packages
Creating local downloads in '/var/local/composer.tiki.org/www/dist'
Telesightjoined #tikiwiki [19:21]
JyhemDumping 'phpunit/phpunit-mock-objects'.
Dumping 'zendframework/zendopenid'.
etc etc
no sign of fez or popper
jonnybnot urgent, i added a workaround to the bs4 branch using a cdn, so something to forget about until we branch 19.x i guess! :D
but thanks for looking, Jyhem :)
JyhemI ran all the commands by hand and nothing looks weird, apartfrom the absence of the pacjkage in the end. No more ideas. No problem [19:27]
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fabriciuspolom [20:20]
jonnybpompom fabricius [20:21]
fabriciuswodwod jonnyb [20:21]
question jonnyb: on composer.tiki.org we have Zend Framework 1
Keywords framework, ZF1
but aren't we on ZF2 or going towards 3?
don't we need a composer.tiki.org for every branch or is that always trunk or ...?
jonnybcomposer.tiki.org keeps all the odl libs for all supported branches - maybe 12.x is still on ZF1? [20:27]
fabriciushow to find the composer for 17 or trunk?
list I mean
jonnyblook in composer.json (or vendor_bundled/composer.json these days) [20:29]
fabriciusI mean it looks to me that https://composer.tiki.org/ would be far outdated, but not sure ... just guessing ... [20:29]
jonnybor run composer list in your tiki [20:29]
fabriciushmm what is https://composer.tiki.org/ for then? [20:29]
jonnybto collect all the 3rd party packages together
sorry, need to stop now, been a long day, see you tomorrow?
fabriciusbut the home page is just an example?
ok, be
have a good evening and night
jonnybcheers, you too - you might find more info here https://dev.tiki.org/composer
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Jyhemfabricius: the composer.org homepage is built from the composer.json of trunk [21:02]
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fabriciusthx Jyhem [21:48]
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