Eiriksson: Does anyone have any idea what could fix this?
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fabricius: Eiriksson, sorry I had phone calls. You did write "… if I click it the page reloads but nothing changes. Featured profile" Wher do you want to apply the profile? what Tiki version? fresh installation or existing website?
Eiriksson: Latest Tiki version
I installed it, so it offers Profiles Wizard — but when I click on Apply Profile in one of the Featured profiles the page reloads and nothing has changed
First time installing Tiki
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Hello Eiriksson, sorry that I did not further reply yesterday. Tiredness knocked me to sleep finally. Now out to work ... please register to tiki.org and write a short forum post to your problem. That gives us a chance to reply outside the IRC chat.
I do not have a solution off-hand for you, but I am sure, that it must be a minor proble, cause I never heard that Profiles would not work. Maybe you are simply overseeing something or some minor issue with the installation ... cannot stay in the IRC now sadly.
Eiriksson, I hope to see you soon in the Community. I cross finger for you find a solution and I will try to help out once I see you again with a bit more time.
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amette_: moloq xavi
xavi: Eiriksson: (& fabricius ): maybe you are reporting this issue in 17.1 (can you confirm it happens to you in 17.1?):
https://dev.tiki.org/item6374 - "Can't apply a Profile from the Profiles Wizard! (only through profiles control panel): ticket missing?"
Reported 4 months ago already
hi amette
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Eiriksson: fabricius and xavi, thanks. Yes, that appears to be the issue https://dev.tiki.org/item6374 Do you know now how I can apply a profile?
This is my Forum thread https://tiki.org/forumthread66703?topics_offset=1
xavi: hi Eiriksson, you can apply a profile using the Profiles control panel for the time being. Search for that profile name, and through there it does work
cheers (time to get offline - kids-et-al)
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Eiriksson: Did not work. Sadly, no change happened to my Tiki after applying Business profile from the Control Panel. Here is a screenshot of the error (which strangely says it was a success) https://i.imgur.com/ktTGss2.jpg
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montefuscolo: hello amette ! I need a database dump from (doc|dev).tiki.org. How is the correct way to ask you this?
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