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So daylight saving time is finished in North America as of yesterday, right? robertokir: joined #tikiwiki jonnyb: pompom polom
hi chibaguy - yes, i believe we (in Europe) are now back in sync with the Americas re daylight saving now :) Jyhem: polom jonnyb: hi Jyhem Jyhem: yes chibaguy, winter has come in canada as well :D
hi jonnyb jonnyb: It's definitely here in the north of England! :) Jyhem: Well, Marc said «as long as it's not snowing, it's not winter» or something last wek :)
micro TikiFest here: Torsten sleeping at my place :-)
Not really Tiki-related, though (twohomes) arildb: joined #tikiwiki chibaguy: hi Jyhem (sorry, was away) jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki redflo: left #tikiwiki jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki
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