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amette_: polom
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chibaguy: polom
amette_: hi chibaguy :)
chibaguy: I wonder how and got created, without mandatory fields filled.
hi amette_
amette_: hmm, yep, those bugs look like quite some mystery
and 6487 is ok, hmm..
luciash: polom
chibaguy: hi luciash
amette_: heya luciash
luciash: another morning, another Tiki mystery? :)
amette_: hehe, yup :)
chibaguy: :)
luciash: I even did not receive mail notification about these
and I am watching 'em all ;)
amette_: ;)
chibaguy: the ghost in the machine
luciash: but I think I know how it could be done
something for
chibaguy: probably so
amette_: if in doubt, ask on
luciash: amette_: all is good with the next servers for today?
amette_: yeah, I think so... doc/dev will do a full upgrade at 1300 again, but that should run nicely
luciash: s/servers/sites/
thanks bro
amette_: nextdev2 is on another server, running PHP 7 and there seems to be some bug that I wrote you guys yesterday about
luciash: i fear I will not be able to join the release fun again tho :(
amette_: yup, noted, but I have no clue
amette_: I'll be around, but pretty busy myself. Will help with debugging nextdev2 for sure, but most likely not with the actual release.
luciash: nor glue (how to fix it)
amette_: :)
luciash: chibaguy: can you send an email to security about your find?
chibaguy: ok
luciash: thanks!
chibaguy: done
luciash: +1
amette_: if you can spot anything in the dev server logs as what queries were used to create these items , that would be helpful. There are times they were created on. Send to me or security directly. Thanks!
amette_: luciash : We don't log queries. We only log slow queries on next-servers, everything else costs too much performance.
luciash: amette_: i mean URL requests, sorry
amette_: oh, ok, yep, let me have a look
luciash : looks like some dude from the Czech Republic is hacking dev... ;)
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chibaguy: hmmmm :-)
luciash: amette_: aye, that does not sound well :-p
amette_: hehe *g*
luciash: :D
looks like my IPs :D Does not seem like intentional hacking but some weird bug in Tiki - I swear I did not do anything unusual :D
amette_: hehe, yep, I'm actually inclined to belive you :D
also it's your user on the creation of Bug 6485, so I kinda guessed it must have been you ;)
But yeah.. it's weird... id there something weird about the bug?
luciash: well, only thing I did was creating the wish yesterday, then just rating on it (the stars thingy), then I wanted to create show instance, which failed because the 18.x tar was missing on the show server (which is fixed now) - really no idea why it created new empty tracker item
ah, sorry, this one was created on monday
amette_: and on commenting it created another tracker item
that's why I wonder, if there's anything odd about 6485
luciash: I did not comment on it... it seems it was just GET request to get list of comments (there are none) on the bug 6485
amette_: oh, ok, right... that makes it a bit spookier though..
luciash: I just modified it yesterday to status "Pending" and "works for me" as I could not reproduce it on the show instance
amette_: ah, yep, that makes more sense.. and right... now I also see it in the logs... there's a POST to tiki-view_tracker_item.php - that must be the one.
I only saw the GET to /tiki-comment-list and got confused by that.
luciash: yup, that one is just for listing the comments dynamically via ajax
still I am baffled why creating and modifying the item would create two new unrelated items with empty fields
let me try modify it again (closing)
amette_: yep, k
luciash: saved now
and yep, we get :D
amette_: And there's your new bug:
luciash: wtf?
amette_: ;)
now please try changing another bug
and if that doesn't create a new bug.. then I will try reopening 6485 and we'll see, if I also trigger a new bug creation
luciash: alright
amette_: and no Bug #6490
I'll reopen 6485 now.
luciash: yep
amette_: done :D
is it the tracker plugin or something like that!?
luciash: interesting
i wonder what is so special about my bug report that it keeps doing that :-p
hmm, it is in CODE plugin, it should not trigger anything! :-o
amette_: yup *nod*
luciash: apart from that if it would be somehow parsed, there is no tracker8
amette_: Probably time to try and reproduce on show before we pollute dev any more.
luciash: heheh, *nod*
amette_: though this would be pain to reproduce... tracker and everything...
luciash: we can try on nextdev, no?
amette_: ... probably just keep playing around on nextdev until that has been found better.
yep, just need to remember that it will be wiped every 24h
luciash: it gets overwritten on 13:00?
amette_: at 13:30, I looked it up earlier
so it should be done by now
luciash: k
amette_: interestingly I also got notification about your modification (I suppose it should say creation instead) of the 6490 (but maybe I just get those created by others, not by myself?)
-: luciash heading to nextdev
amette_: yep, notification only for change by others would make sense *nod*
luciash: I am in, about to close that culprit again
amette_: Give it to him!!
luciash: heheh, it works there too :-p
amette_: nice *g*
(Actually that's seriously nice. If it wouldn't work, I'd be scared.. ;) )
luciash: :)
now i try to remove the code plugin with the tracker plugin example
amette_: yep, no new item created
luciash: nice! no more Space oddities
amette_: :D
luciash: ok, back to devs (more in the emails)
cheers for trying to debug this with me!
amette_: yep, cheers, good session for sure :)
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jonnyb: pom pom pom
hi luis_asa - did you get my mail re having to go out? (sorry about that, typical!)
we could get the ball rolling if you like before 15:00?
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luis_asa: hi jonnyb, got you message
jonnyb I was out to market. No one else came yet, so I can wait for you, or maybe start by myself. I already started this morning by following the checklist
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Jyhem: polom
jonnyb: hi Jyhem
Jyhem: CiviCRM may agree to share a bit of space with us at Fosdem.
with this and having lost my credit card, still work done today :-(
except if you count 6h of yesterday which technically happened today :-/
I send them an email now
and our stand is officially confirmed (public info now)
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Bsfez: we got an alpha !
Congrat to Asa, Jonny, Roberto and the team !
jonnyb: and thanks to you too Bsfez :)
Bsfez: ;)
jonnyb: thanks too to Jyhem for the fosdem stand stuff
Bsfez: :)
Thanks Jyhem and You Jonny for the accomodation
should we update :
or it's too early ?
jonnyb: by the way Jyhem (when oyu have time) we were using release.t.o and it was running incredibly slowly, like taking 5+ minuters to make a zip of the tiki at the end, and really slow on checking php & smarty syntax - is that a particularly old server, or is is busy doing lots of other stuff?
Bsfez: too early for that, here and dev list is fine for now i reckon
Bsfez: okido ;)
jonnyb: and thanks for the upate to :)
Bsfez: cool :)
got to go know
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