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fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [02:51]
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zlinuxjoined #tikiwiki [06:39]
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Telesightjoined #tikiwiki [08:46]
zlinuxjoined #tikiwiki [08:48]
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Tiki|botRecent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6496
Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6500
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zlinux_joined #tikiwiki [11:04]
amette_joined #tikiwiki [11:15]
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miaou [11:47]
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fabriciuspolom [12:53]
jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [13:04]
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amette_wuff [13:28]
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fabricius*zonk* [13:49]
Bsfezlol [13:51]
luciashpolom [14:00]
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jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [14:40]
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki
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jonnybpompom fabricius [15:14]
fabriciusah hi jonnyb
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jonnybsorry fabricius - meeting, how oyu doing? I'm going to try and fix that menu admin position = 0 thing you reported next :) [16:46]
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fabriciusjonnyb: I think it is when I do alter a lot of menu items in a large menu. [17:05]
jonnyboh really, ok - i'll re-read your email, i must have misunderstood... (but real life things getting in the way now! ;) ) [17:15]
Bsfezjoined #tikiwiki [17:19]
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Jyhem_polom [20:06]
jonnybhi Jyhem [20:06]
Jyhemhi jonnyb
jonnyb: can I replace 20171010_action_log_info_new_column_tiki.sql with a corrected 20171010_action_log_info_new_column_tiki.php?
jonnybwhy? [20:11]
JyhemIt seems to create errors on unattended svn upgraded tikis
https://dev.tiki.org/Get+Code → Upgrade issues with 18.x from SVN
If you’ve run a 18.x installation from SVN before 18.0-alpha release, you might run into an error like this:
Error 4 in 20171010_action_log_info_new_column_tiki
Duplicate column name ‘log’
And then someone is expected to run ALTER TABLE `tiki_actionlog` DROP COLUMN `log`; by hand???
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [20:14]
Jyhemso i just intent to replace 20171010_action_log_info_new_column_tiki.sql with a corrected 20171010_action_log_info_new_column_tiki.php unless it causes even more issues? [20:14]
Bsfezjoined #tikiwiki [20:23]
JyhemWhy did lfagundes add _tiki, BTW? [20:33]
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jonnybsorry Jyhem - wasn't watching the irc window...
imho best not to add code to work round pre-alpha developer testing issues, but it's up to you of course (for me if the release works well that's good enough)
installer update schema and scripts without _tiki at the end get run every update as they are expected to be custom additions (i would have done it the other way round, but LP didn't - as documented here https://dev.tiki.org/Database-Schema-Upgrade#Third_Party_Modifications_and_Customization )

ok, i see you did it anyway Jyhem - please run the merge to trunk script now to sort out any possible tree conflict :)
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JyhemI did it for the many unattended self-updating Tiki instances which exist
Like show and demo which people keep complaining that they don't work even though they work perfectly: it's these kind of udates which break things.
merging n trunk now
zlinuxjoined #tikiwiki [21:23]
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Jyhemmerge done [21:26]
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trebmuhjoined #tikiwiki [22:14]
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amette_joined #tikiwiki [22:59]
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fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [23:43]

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