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luciash: bolow
Bsfez: yop yop
luciash: B is back?
Bsfez: Yes sorry I had to be somewhere and help
Is there anything else or only rbic ?
luciash: there is something
come back to meeting
Bsfez: ok
RadoS: Moin. When creating a workspace from a template, there is a pop-up to enter the new name with a save-button. When I hit the button, for a glimpse I see red backgrounded message, but I can't read what it says. In the log there is no error message. The workspace is _not_ created. How to figure out what went wrong?
It's reproducible, I can't create the workspace, but neither can I see why.
I had that a few weeks ago, assuming something changed in the underlying OS, but then a few weeks later it worked again... until now.
But this time I haven't had system-updates in between.
Can I delay/ slow down the fade out of the pop-up to catch the red-message?
I cleard all caches, didn't help.
luciash: RadoS: I think there is something when you do "Inspect element" in Chrome or Firefox where you can set up breakpoints on an action triggered
RadoS: luciash, I used a screen recorder, it says "validPage"....
I mean, just literally says _only_ "validPage".
What does this mean?
Ok, now with 25fps I see beyond the pop-up in the main-window:
* validatePage
How to get more info on why it fails?
What's being validated?
luciash: is it tracker field?
looks like if you missed some field which is required to fill?
sorry, not sure how the workspaces work
RadoS: "tracker" is unknown to me. ;)
if ($tikilib->page_exists($name)) {
throw new Services_Exception(__FUNCTION__, 400);
I take it it wants to tell me that page exists already... (but how?!), I started it new.
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RadoS: D'oh, some cluebie created the starting page of the workspace before it existed. B-(
Hmm, I "remove"d it, the error stays... maybe it must be purged from the DB... is there a tiki-gui way to do so or must I go sql?
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