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jonnyb: polom in between
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fabricius: bolow jonnyb
jonnyb: hi fabricius, how's things?
fabricius: oh jonnyb oh ... I have to work with Typo3 these days which shows me again how beautiful Tiki is - starting with the concept at all
The simplest things are soooo complicated
you need to learn a configuration language to ste the site up or to upgrade the existing site ... what I have to do
jonnyb: bad luck, hope you can get back to tiki soon! :)
fabricius: Sure .. my Tiki projects run smoothly besides. You know. whilst I am learning how to do basic stuff in Typo3, I upgraded several sites in Tiki plus restructured them, added off-canvas etcetera.
Still working on the only ONE project with Typo3, I am involved
It is a simple upgrade and Bootstrap integration, but I have to restructure the live system, to make tests before upgrades halfway possible ... old systems and new system have different configurations due to different theme and .... ahhhhhhhhhrggg it is a messssss.
Never turning by back on Tiki ... this fu***ng mess shows me even more, why I am so convinced about Tiki
The problem: I would massively refer to work with my Tiki websites as user plus admin my projects Tikis, but I am so much bound by preperaing this one upgrade of Typo3 and learning what I need, to do so ... and this system is so massively relying on extension, which get in confict with each other on upgrades.
And I know for example that I have to switch the complete news system, because the old news system is not supported anymore. thus it is necessary to convert all news to another extension. It never stops!
yeah, I hope I can get back to Tiki soon! But a few more days to do Typo3. Arrghs.
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hello, it seems that the forums aren'T working properly, at least for me. was temporarily unreachable for me, and I haven't able to save my posting for the last couple fo hours. The browser just keep saying that this site isn't working (it already did that yesterday).
Also it seem nobody there can help me with my issue (it'S been online for a few days now with no replies).
The main forum page is okay, but acutally many of the topics pages won't load
here's mine:
It would be awesome if you could take a look at it
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