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Jyhem | pompom | [00:09] |
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fabricius | wodwod | [00:28] |
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jonnyb | joined #tikiwiki | [01:22] |
Jyhem | fabricius: how are you ?
Ready for Fosdem? We'll have tote bags after all :-) | [01:28] |
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Tiki|bot | joined #tikiwiki | [05:25] |
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robertokir | joined #tikiwiki | [09:04] |
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nayana | joined #tikiwiki | [10:11] |
Tiki|bot | Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6542 | [10:20] |
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redflo | joined #tikiwiki | [11:05] |
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chibaguy | joined #tikiwiki | [14:03] |
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amette_ | left #tikiwiki | [14:17] |
Arun | joined #tikiwiki
Hi | [14:21] |
amette_ | joined #tikiwiki | [14:24] |
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RadoS | Moin. When using "{toc}", the resulting list can become quite lengthy. What's a simple way to make the output multi-column?
Since there is no ready-to-use option, I guess css would be the way to go?! But how? | [14:54] |
fabricius | Hello RadoS
you could limit the levels. maybe you could limit to sections and put the section tocs into cards / panels / columns | [14:57] |
RadoS | fabricius, nah, it (ab-)used as glossary(all pages) overview, so skipping entries is not helpful here. :-/
+'s | [14:59] |
fabricius | then I do not know RadoS | [15:00] |
RadoS | RadoS tries #css for quick&dirty hack. | [15:01] |
Arun1 | joined #tikiwiki
Hi all Is anyone here? | [15:08] |
Jyhem_laptop | joined #tikiwiki | [15:13] |
Arun1 | Hi - I have a new tikiwiki site which works fine for almost everything - pages load up quickly, all functionality works -the only issue is that it takes about 20 seconds to save changed content in a page. Ive spoken at length to our webhost and they claim the issue is not with their hosting .... is it normal for page saves to take that long, and if not what might be causing it?
For info I have v 17.1 instralled | [15:13] |
jonnyb | joined #tikiwiki | [15:18] |
Arun1 | is there anyone there | [15:25] |
Jyhem_laptop | Hi Arun1
I'm here but I don't know the answer to the question | [15:26] |
Arun1 | do you use tikiwiki? | [15:27] |
Jyhem_laptop | My guesses might be: your page changes might send out many mail notifications, or sending mails takes too long | [15:28] |
Arun1 | only one mail notification is sent
how long dows it normally takje to save simple page contenty? | [15:28] |
Jyhem_laptop | or you have too many logging? | [15:29] |
Arun1 | logs were off
at the moment i am trying to find out is this is abnormal | [15:29] |
Jyhem_laptop | nothing in tiki-admin_actionlog.php ? | [15:30] |
Arun1 | hang on will look | [15:30] |
Jyhem_laptop | tiki-admin.php?page=performance might have interesting things to say | [15:31] |
Arun1 | where is the actual log created by tiki-admin_actionlog.php? | [15:32] |
Jyhem_laptop | Also you could disable incremental search in tiki-admin.php?page=search just i order to know if that's the thing that slows down saving pages
tiki-admin_actionlog.php has 2 tabs. The second one says what is logged and what can be looked up Usually, nothing can be looked up so the first tab does not allow searching the log By default, "Updated Page Wiki" is logged and also "Created Pag Wiki" | [15:32] |
jonnyb | joined #tikiwiki | [15:35] |
Jyhem_laptop | are loged
*logged | [15:35] |
Arun1 | OK I have set all the wiki age settings, where do I actually see the log? | [15:36] |
Jyhem_laptop | In the first tab of tiki-admin_actionlog.php | [15:37] |
jonnyb | pompom polom | [15:37] |
Jyhem_laptop | you should see filtering options
hi jonnyb | [15:37] |
Arun1 | That just shows Report and Filter and thats it | [15:37] |
jonnyb | hi Jyhem_laptop | [15:37] |
Jyhem_laptop | we are wondering what could slow down saving page changed content | [15:38] |
zlinux | joined #tikiwiki | [15:39] |
Jyhem_laptop | Arun1: no way of selecting dates or groups or users? | [15:40] |
Arun1 | In Perfoance this is showing:
Some PHP.INI settings that can increase performance ‘realpath_cache_size setting’: 16K (percentage used 99.8 %) ‘realpath_cache_ttl setting’: 120 seconds no nothing is showing apart from Report and Filter | [15:40] |
jonnyb | I meant to catch up with you Jyhem_laptop about a commit i did on tracker field layout - http://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/65196 as i trod om some code you did i think, just wanted to check it didn't mess up what you needed?
slow page saving might be casued by incremental indexing maybe? turn that off and see if it's quick again | [15:41] |
Arun1 | I did that jobbyb and that made no difference
jonnyb! | [15:42] |
jonnyb | :)
which version of tiki are you on? (trunk has some performance issues at the moment) | [15:42] |
Arun1 | 17.1
and it was the same on 17.0 | [15:43] |
jonnyb | and the database - myisam or innodb? (not sure what the performance issues are but there are differences, espescially with biog tables)
biog/big | [15:44] |
Arun1 | mysqli
its not a big site at present im just getting it set up | [15:45] |
Jyhem_laptop | jonnyb: I look it up (the commit) | [15:46] |
Arun1 | just trying to convince users to use it
they like it ( with the exception of slow page saves :) ) | [15:46] |
jonnyb | Arun1: so probably myisam (ithese are the storage engines mysql uses, myisam is the default... in 17.x)
how much memory on the server? Jyhem_laptop: that commit was to make this sort of user tracker reg page look "normal" :) https://tiki.org/tiki-register.php?key=randomstring | [15:47] |
Arun1 | I need to check - its a VPS host from Inmotion HOsting | [15:48] |
jonnyb | i.e. all the inputs the same width and the decriptions be under the fields they describe
Arun1: ok, if it's got very tiny RAM, like under 1GB tiki might struggle | [15:48] |
Arun1 | 4GB Ram
is there a way to change the database to myisam once mysqui is used? | [15:49] |
Jyhem_laptop | jonnyb: you mean deal with the "Real Name" and "Why do you want to register for the Tiki project website?" fields like we deal with the rest? | [15:52] |
Arun1 | In tiki-admin.php?page=performance this shows - could that be an issue? : | [15:53] |
jonnyb | do you have phpmyadmin or similar installed? if so that will tell you the storage engine of each table (afaik mysqli is the connection type, and tiki uses PDO now, and mysqui is just a typo i'm guessing? ;) ) | [15:54] |
Arun1 | Some PHP.INI settings that can increase performance ‘realpath_cache_size setting’: 16K (percentage used 99.8 %) ‘realpath_cache_ttl setting’: 120 seconds
yes i have phomyadmin | [15:54] |
jonnyb | probably wouldn't make much difference - which version of php do you have there? | [15:54] |
Arun1 | 5.6
let me check the storage engine if i can find it MyISAM | [15:54] |
jonnyb | Jyhem_laptop: all the tracker fields use col-md-4 but the registration fields use col-sm-8 (until my commit) | [15:55] |
Arun1 | in local.php i have: $db_tiki='mysqli';
i think that was an option on setup | [15:56] |
jonnyb | ok Arun1, changing that probsably wouldn't make much difference with small tables and presumably few (one) user/s
sorry, i have to fix some stuff blocking tiki 18.0 - maybe we can try more later (but i think you probably need more RAM) | [15:56] |
Arun1 | isnt 4GM enough?
GB | [15:57] |
jonnyb | sorry, missed that - 4GB is plenty :) | [16:03] |
Arun1 | :) | [16:03] |
jonnyb | which type of search index are you using? (if you didn't change it, it will be mysql) | [16:03] |
Arun1 | didnt change it | [16:04] |
Jyhem_laptop | jonnyb: yes, it's a pity we don't do it the other way (all in 8 cols) just because we need the extra room for mandatory asterisks. But I figure there is no way around this
Jyhem_laptop tries on a real-life project. code gazing is a bit useless here | [16:07] |
jonnyb | ah yes, i moved the mandy asterisks back the just after the labels again, as they were wrapping round on to the next row, and the registration form has them after the label anyway - seemed better to be consistent
shame, looks like https://next.tiki.org/tiki-register.php?key=randomstring isn't up to date even (should be on trunk by now) | [16:08] |
jimbo | joined #tikiwiki | [16:09] |
Arun1 | I can see the logs now - didnt clck " reporting" only "recording " but cant see anything useful | [16:12] |
jonnyb | yes, the logs interface needs some love... one day ;) | [16:14] |
Deeku_ | joined #tikiwiki | [16:15] |
Arun1 | ;) | [16:15] |
Deeku_ | Good to see an Indian name in the chat list, Arun. | [16:16] |
jonnyb | hi Deeku_ | [16:16] |
Arun1 | aha, Indian in name only, my surname is Italian and I an British
is there any way to log what is actually happening when the save button is pressed to give a clue as wo what is holding things up? | [16:17] |
Deeku_ | Ok! Then it falls upon me to keep the flag flying by myself for a while longer. :-) | [16:18] |
Arun1 | :) | [16:18] |
jonnyb | not easily Arun1 (welcome fellow Brit! ;) ) - do you code? | [16:19] |
Deeku_ | Yo Jonny | [16:19] |
Arun1 | no afraid I dont - well apart from HTML/CSS :)
Where in the UK are you jonnyb? Stroud, Gloucestershire here | [16:19] |
computron | left #tikiwiki | [16:20] |
Arun1 | so what is a typical page save speed? | [16:21] |
jonnyb | Wimbledon me | [16:21] |
Arun1 | aha.... where did the Wombles go ? :) | [16:21] |
jonnyb | should be under a second, but on doc and dev sometimes its a few seconds (they use elastic search on a separate server, so we think there is some extra latency involved there)
Wombles went in a curry! :D | [16:22] |
Arun1 | so 15-20 secnds is well out then
loading pages is fine....that is 1-2 seconds tops | [16:22] |
jonnyb | yes, that's bad, unusable really | [16:24] |
Arun1 | yes it is pretty unusable | [16:24] |
jonnyb | have you tried with a clean install? totally default tiki woth no other features etc enabled? | [16:24] |
Arun1 | i could try that | [16:24] |
jonnyb | I've got an idea everyone - if you're available, come along to the "round table" meeting in about 30 minutes, even just to say hello - start here https://tiki.org/live and the notes about it are here Roundtable Meeting 2018 01
Someone else there might have other ideas on how to debug your issue Arun1 :) | [16:29] |
Arun1 | thanks jonnyb.... just setting up a test site | [16:30] |
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Jyhem_laptop | jonnyb: can't find any issue testing my current Tiki18 test site wih complex registration. Thanks for asking | [16:55] |
jonnyb | jolly good, i didn't quite follow why the code was like that so thought i should check :) | [16:57] |
amette_ | chibaguy : any news on this one? https://dev.tiki.org/item6248 Might it be that your issue is related to SefURL, which isn't active on show.tiki.org? If so, then I think it is related to this one: https://dev.tiki.org/item6462
And if all of that, then I think that those two should be merged into some kind of meta-bug... it looks like the spaces work nowadays, only if spaces are replaced by dashes... then it breaks. | [16:57] |
jonnyb | So it's time - everyone is invited! :) http://live.tiki.org/ | [16:59] |
amette_ | oh, whut!? I missed that...
amette_ is in the office now, can't really join | [16:59] |
jonnyb | pompom amette_ | [17:00] |
amette_ | heyho jonnyb | [17:00] |
Bsfez | joined #tikiwiki | [17:00] |
jonnyb | Office? amette_ in an office? Wonders will never cease ;) | [17:00] |
amette_ | hehehe ;) | [17:00] |
Arun1 | Jonnyb..... on test site page saves in under 2s | [17:07] |
jonnyb | aha, a clue indeed...
to see the prefs you've changed you can go to admin profiles and go to the export profile tab | [17:07] |
Arun1 | where is that jonnyb?
dont worry found it | [17:11] |
jonnyb | :) | [17:12] |
Arun1 | not quite sure how to use that though!
where does it export to? | [17:14] |
jonnyb | you don't need to export, it can just list the prefs you have changed from the default
so on a clean test install (the quick one) there won't be any, but the slow one presumably has something enabled that is killing the save page thing? | [17:17] |
Arun1 | ah i see
got you.... | [17:18] |
amette_ | left #tikiwiki
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Arun1 | its gonna tyake ages to figure out firstly where the preserences are set and then test by turning off each one - and of course it could be a cumulative thing | [17:28] |
dont worry found out about the search for settings :) | [17:38] | |
RadoS | fabricius, I got that from #css, but doesn't look good for deeply cascaded entries where 1 is much bigger/ smaller than the neighbours:
http://paste.debian.net/1005854/ | [17:43] |
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amette_ | left #tikiwiki
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fabricius | RadoS: do you have an image aswell? | [20:20] |
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amette_ | left #tikiwiki
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