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Could someone pls post links to sites using Tiki CMS. I can't seem to find any on the net. Thank you!
Bsfez: Hello fabricus !
redflo: joined #tikiwiki
fabricius: Hello Bsfez !
nayana: joined #tikiwiki
Bsfez: lol
yes we can add all day long I guess ;)
Telesight: joined #tikiwiki
fabricius: ah and by theway not to forget:
jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki
Bsfez: joined #tikiwiki
Golhotha: Thank you Fabricus!
Thank you BsFex
I have another question, is there a portal or marketplace where I can hire an expert in Tiki. I'm desigining an ecommerce site for publishing that will be underpinned by Tiki
fabricius: hmm Golhotha for marketplace I'd say you should ask Bsfez, Jonnyb and chibaguy directly.
zlinux: joined #tikiwiki
fabricius: apart from that:
Golhotha: Thank you gain Fabricus!
fabricius: for a bigger project maybe aswell:
jonnyb: pompom polom
Golhotha: fabricius is rtight, that consultants page is the place for it (maybe we should also call it marketplace or something?)
Bsfez: Hello Jonny
Thanks for nailing some bugs there !
jonnyb: I'm afraid my existing clients have made me promise not to take any more new work on until i catch up with all their stuff! ;)
Golhotha: Fabricus, thanks for the tiki consultant link. It's perfect!
jonnyb: Hi Bsfez - yes, got a couple :P
Bsfez: ... there is a big debate about multilevel menu and bootstrap (v3 and v4). And lot of solution out there so may be "Bootstrap doesn't allow multilevel menu" is not necessarily right :)
One among a lot :
fabricius: Thx Bsfez to bringing this up! Too many levels might not make too much sense in most use cases (UX !) but only one sublevel is mostly poor and needs adjustment thought.
Golhotha: fabricius is a great site! Similar to what I'm looking to build for the self publishing community.
Thank you gain Fabricus for all the exmaples and link. I was nearly tempted to look at phpWiki, but I think Tiki is far more sophisticated
I have one question about the editor in Tiki, it looks rather basic and unfriendly and the WYSIWYG window looks small Ii.e. not full screen) Or is that a configuration issue?
Fabricus, Zukathemes also looks superb! I'm very encouraged about this platform after all. I just need clarification on the WYSIWYG editor. It's not as user friendly as Wikipadeia's or maybe I'm mistaken.
Bsfez: joined #tikiwiki
fabricius: Hello Golhotha, I am not sure about your issue with the editor. We have a number of options between WikiSyntax editor and WYSIWYG:
1. WYSIWYG is based on CKE Editor with the known features and limitations we see in most CMSes which use CKE
2. In Tiki CKE is usually configured to not store in awful cryptic and splattered HTML, but in plain WikiSyntax
3. WYSIWYG can be set as only, as optional, as default or as additional option
4. WikiSyntax has optional Code highlighter
which makes it easier for beginners and additionally we have the format icons for beginners in the WikiSyntax editor
5. WikiSyntax is much more sophisticated, especially when it comes to nesting WikiPlugins (which are kind of "code"snippets to extend the WikiSyntax to an extreme extend
I am unsure, if and how either one of the editors can be used fullscreen, as I usually do not need that .. you can resize the editors window, what is good enough for me usually ..
.. but I will look into that
It is possible, that Wikipedias WYSIWYG editor is more userfriendly or more sophisticated as editor, but it might tackle a different use case and at some point you have to go into WikiSyntax in Wikipedia aswell - as far as I see it - and then there should not be much of a difference
I hope I could help and will try to answer more questions if you have.
Telesight: joined #tikiwiki
Golhotha: Thank you Fabricus. I will look for another Tiki demo site and try the WikiSyntax editor again. I have a teleonf in 4 mins. After that, I will explain, why it's imperative the Editor must be user friendly. Finally, I was not aware the editor could be resized. I will try that too when I finish my teleconf.
zlinux_: joined #tikiwiki
fabricius: I just checked Golhotha: bothe editors have a button to edit in fullscreen mode!
Jyhem: polom
fabricius: can we discuss Fosdem preparations ?
BTW: everyone interested is more than welcome to come and say hi in at the Fosdem Tiki stand (part of the Wikis & CMSs stand at building K upper floor, aka K2)
tell your firiends
Golhotha: Fabricus, we plan to use Tiki for self publishing authors, to land on our site, and create their book on line. At any one time, we could have 100 authors, each writing their own book in their own specific "instance!. Clearly, for users to want to do that, the editor must be user friendly and pleseant. Clearly, we're not talking MS Word here, but a destination where they can write, with minimal formatting. The key, is that the en
.. this for an experieneced author as well as a beginner. We would probably tailor Tiki to handle formating separately, perhaps via a bespoke button.
fabricius: Golhotha: othe Book on Demand sites I have evaluated a while ago use Markup and no WYSIWYG - for Book writing I doubt that WYSIWYG would be any a good choice.
Additionally you should deeply look into mPDF which is well integrated into Tiki, although you need to "after-install" with few clicks from the packages feature (just a licence issue and needs max 5 minutes).
Further more you should contact Marc Laporte the owner of, who is the head behind the mPDF implementation and the promoter of WikiSuite.
you are welcome ;-)
Golhotha: Thank you Fabricus. Much appreciated.
Arun1: hi all
still tearing my hair out over slow page saving :)
if i install a brand new instance of tiki it works fine, if i revert all my settings to defaulr settings, features and modules in the site with slow page saving ( ie so its like the default ) and I delete all content, it still takes 15-20 seconds to save pages
fabricius: Hi Arun1 that is not normal
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Arun1: hi fabricus
i know, thats why i am tearing my hair out lol
fabricius: keep some. It is not worth.
Arun1: hahaha
i tried repairing the database in case it was corrupt
no issue there
they are on the same server so the server cannot be at fault
fabricius: is it on a specific page or is it in general?
Arun1: every page
fabricius: do you use WYSIWYG?
Arun1: i turned that off
fabricius: do you want to check ... ah .. all options?
Arun1: i turned off all features that werent available on a blank installation
fabricius: might there be a suboption still active, but invisible as you deactivated the option above? rarely happening, but some prefs have this glitch
Arun1: i checked the profile-export to see what i had changed and reverted everything back ot default
fabricius: did you clear all caches and rebuild your index?
Arun1: yes
this is all i have:
browsertitle = 'RF Wiki' ('') display_timezone = '' ('Local') fgal_quota_default = '0' ('') fgal_use_db = 'n' ('y') gal_use_lib = 'gd' ('imagick') toolbar_global = '' (' bold, italic...') unified_identifier_fields = '[language, view_permission, url, hash...' ('') unified_mysql_index_current = 'index_5a60b83a2cf2a' ('') users_prefs_user_information = 'public' ('private')
fabricius: can you reproduce it on a clean installation?
Arun1: no - a clean install works fine
fabricius: and you cannot make it behaving similar?
Arun1: no
i wouldnt know where to start to make it work similar - if i did I could solve the problem,
fabricius: maybe if you take a clean installation of the exact same version (both freshly svned up) and the export bunches of tables from the old to the fresh database
let's say export all wiki page related tables to the fresh installation and then test .. if no bad behaviour expot the categories and test, then export the preferences and test etcetera
Arun1: yes i could try that
fabricius: in the worst case, you have exported the whole database to the fresh installation and it works - than you could switch. otherwise you might be able to identify where the problem occurs
Arun1: are there any tables that i must have exported before I start testing?
fabricius: no, just make sure to have a proper backup of the original db in case you misstype and delete instead of export or so
Arun1: oh yes definitely ;)
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Golgotha: joined #tikiwiki
Fabricius, pls accept my apology, I've been misspelling your name since the start of my thread.
Can someone pls post me a link where I could experience the TiKI Editor first hand. I tried the demo site and was underwhelmed by the editor.
fabricius: give me a sec.
need a few more sec Golgotha
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