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Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: -
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Jyhem_laptop: polom
jonnyb: polom_laptop
i have a question :) i have a client who has just imported about 80,000 wiki pages (long story) so the site is having some performance issues :D Hence r65338 and i'm looking at the slow_queries log trying to remove as many low hanging fruit ones as possible...
Tiki|bot: Welcome to the official Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware channel. Please ask your question directly. Don't ask to ask. Someone will reply if and when they know the answer. Welcome again and please stay a while. Thank you!
Welcome to the official Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware channel. Please ask your question directly. Don't ask to ask. Someone will reply if and when they know the answer. Welcome again and please stay a while. Thank you!
jonnyb: and i'm seeing a lot of selects looking like this: SELECT /*!40001 SQL_NO_CACHE */ * FROM `tiki_pages`; but can't work out where they're coming from... anyone seen this sort of things before?
aha, worked it out - i have an hourly database backup cron running, might make that less frequent now ;)
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Jyhem_laptop: :-)
is that SQL_NO_CACHE from a custom mysqldump command of yours or is it from the console database backup command?
-: Jyhem_laptop going for eating
jonnyb: console command which i think uses mysqldump
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jonnyb: moqmoq
chibaguy: hi jonnyb
-: Jyhem_laptop back
Jyhem_laptop: For reference, console runs "mysqldump --quick …"
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Frank___: We have had Tikiwiki installed for quite a while now and have not run into any issues until just recently. We received a email notificationhtta reads: Tikiwiki is not properly set up: The directory '/var/www/html/tikiwiki/backups/' is not writeable by apache. The directory '/var/www/html/tikiwiki/dump/' is not writeable by apache. The directory '/var/www/html/tikiwiki/img/wiki/' is not writeable by apache. The directory '/var/www
Tikiwiki is not properly set up: The directory '/var/www/html/tikiwiki/backups/' is not writeable by apache. The directory '/var/www/html/tikiwiki/dump/' is not writeable by apache. The directory '/var/www/html/tikiwiki/img/wiki/' is not writeable by apache.
The directory '/var/www/html/tikiwiki/img/wiki_up/' is not writeable by apache. The directory '/var/www/html/tikiwiki/modules/cache/' is not writeable by apache.
The directory '/var/www/html/tikiwiki/temp/' is not writeable by apache. The directory '/var/www/html/tikiwiki/templates_c/' is not writeable by apache.
Jyhem_laptop: Hi Frank___ It's weird that you lose permissions. Something must have happened.
You can reset proper permissions by doing "sh" then "f" in the directory /var/www/html/tikiwiki/
the script will ask you for the apache user and group, which you might want to look up beforehand. It's probably the user/group of /var/www/html/
Frank___: Thank you for this information. We will give this a try.
RadoS: Maybe some OS update (resetting perms).
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