zlinux: joined #tikiwiki
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jonnyb: pompom polom from Brussels
PhilBack: joined #tikiwiki
Hi all, it was nice meeting w/ you at FOSDEM yesterday.
Any place to collect the pictures? I have got some on my phone.
michel_: joined #tikiwiki
jonnyb: hi PhilBack - we're just working on that... :)
Jyhem_laptop: Hi Philippe
On tiki.org/Community
zlinux: joined #tikiwiki
PhilBack: joined #tikiwiki
Where in the folder?
Jyhem_laptop: upload in the "TikiFest Fosdem2018 gallery?
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abore: joined #tikiwiki
Hi is there somebody from tiki here ?
@luciash ?
robertokir: joined #tikiwiki
abore: Is it possible to show topic name in the list of articles ?
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