redflo: joined #tikiwiki fabricius: joined #tikiwiki chibaguy: joined #tikiwiki
Still can't edit pages - why this site has the problem and not or dev.t.o?
All are running the same Tiki version. jonnyb: polom chibaguy
no idea, sorry, i think amette and i tested this when in Brussels and it seemed ok, and i think we were wondering if it was reindexing when you were testing? I'll try again soon... chibaguy: hi jonnyb. I've tried several different times to edit at doc.t.o lately and each time it's a white screen. Firefox. In Vivaldi browser I get " is currently unable to handle this request.
HTTP ERROR 500" jonnyb: i'll try one...
hmm, that looks like something new, yes, i get 500 WSoD here for instance:
Mahybe if/when amette (or amette_) is about he can check the error log and see what the offending bit of code might be :(
ah, if i try a plugin edit i get: Unable to load template file 'plugin/quick_add_references.tpl' in 'extends:layouts/internal/modal.tpl|plugin/edit.tpl' - might be a clue? chibaguy: Maybe so. BTW, I haven't gotten a dev list mail for about 14 hours, tho I wrote one myself in that time.
So maybe the mailing lists are down (again?). jonnyb: oh, are there - meh
they/there Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - ggggg_: joined #tikiwiki
jhj -: RadoS nods. fabricius: joined #tikiwiki benoitg: joined #tikiwiki Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - zlinux: joined #tikiwiki jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki Telesight: joined #tikiwiki fabricius: joined #tikiwiki zlinux: joined #tikiwiki