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zlinuxjoined #tikiwiki [03:42]
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fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [06:52]
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lhtsengjoined #tikiwiki [08:57]
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redflojoined #tikiwiki [10:09]
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Telesightjoined #tikiwiki [11:24]
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fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [13:30]
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RadoSjoined #tikiwiki [14:10]
Jyhem_laptopjoined #tikiwiki [14:11]
Telesightjoined #tikiwiki [14:24]
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licensejoined #tikiwiki
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fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [15:35]
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Jyhem_laptoppolom [16:35]
When is Real Name synchronisation supposed to happen? On each change of the tracker item value? On account creation only? [16:44]
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Hmmm, is dev.tiki.org down ? [17:11]
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jonnybjoined #tikiwiki
Jyhem_laptophi jonnyb [17:39]
jonnybhi Jyhem_laptop [17:39]
Jyhem_laptoptrying to enter a bug report on dev and hitting error 502 :-( [17:39]
jonnybdev seems particularly slow at the moment, 36 seconds to deliver the home page... not a great advert for us :( [17:40]
Jyhem_laptopAhhhh, I recovered it with back and repost :) [17:40]
jonnybaha, what does 502 mean i wonder? [17:40]
Jyhem_laptopIt displayed "502 Bad Gateway" but that's an nginx message
I guess amette set nginx as a front-end, so it kind of shields us from the actual apache error message
jonnybi don't think apache is on tehre at all is it? [17:43]
Jyhem_laptopAhh, maybe not. I'd have to look it up on the server. I'm not so familiar with nginx setup and messages. [17:45]
Tiki|botRecent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6578-Real-Name-does-not [17:50]
Jyhem_laptopnginx is supposed to be faster, which does not really show. :-( I'm not convinced it's worth the extra hassle. [17:52]
Wow, I just created a show instance (15LTS) and the http://jyhem-9952-6578.show.tikiwiki.org/tiki-list_trackers.php will not let me create a tracker. I just get a red « * 0 error » message :-(
clearing caches→ no change
Reindexing → the pop-up does not fully unroll :-(
Hmm, logout/login fails also. As does clearing cookies
Hmmm changing browsers did help
noscript going in the way.
jonnyb:) [18:15]
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fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [19:31]
lhtseng_joined #tikiwiki [19:37]
leagrisjoined #tikiwiki [19:51]
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jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [20:17]
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zlinuxjoined #tikiwiki [21:35]
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [21:41]
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Tiki|botjoined #tikiwiki [23:07]
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giesenjoined #tikiwiki [23:43]
zlinuxjoined #tikiwiki [23:54]

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