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SF twitter says SF is back up but I still can't commit to experimental/bootstrap4 (path not found). I wonder if this will resolve itself somehow or what.
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mose: yeah I officially have a new tiki (18.0) on https://wiki.crapaud-fou.org but that's all in french
installed with bitnami installer, that went smooth
but it comes again, I get some tiny frustrations
maybe I need to get in the code again
chibaguy: hi mose. That's true, about the tiny frustrations. Of course you are very welcome to get in the code again if you have time and desire. :-)
mose: well, after all that time I"m a newborn again
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pompom polom
hey woo, sf.net seems to be back... for a while ;)
chibaguy: hi jonnyb. I can update but not commit, to bootstrap 4 branch.
says path can't be found.
jonnyb: i just did a couple of commits to 18.x which worked (but hasn't for many days)
i'll try that branch.... (hang on, the merge script just d
chibaguy: Hmm, I can't even svnup branch 18.x. I get the same path error.
jonnyb: me too, ok - so it only worked for a couple of minutes again :(
chibaguy: yeah, seems intermittent.
jonnyb: https://twitter.com/sfnet_ops seems to think everything's ok
chibaguy: yes, I noticed that.
jonnyb: do you have time to raise a ticket with them? https://sourceforge.net/p/forge/site-support/new/ (i need to do other stuff, sorry...)
maybe they think it's all fine now?
chibaguy: ok
jonnyb: thanks, i'll like or comment on it or whatever, it might help :)
chibaguy: Kinda seems like not all services are restored yet: "Most services are now restored including SourceForge.net, downloads, web uploads, mailing lists, project web hosting, sftp uploads. Our team is working as hard as they can, and we will update this post, as well as the SF Net Ops handle on Twitter when these services are restored."
(from https://sourceforge.net/blog/datacenter-migration-update/)
I see open tickets about the same problems we're having that haven't even been read yet, so it seems they're still working on things.
(e.g. https://sourceforge.net/p/forge/site-support/17072/)
Sp maybe I should hold off on submitting a ticket.
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jonnyb: sorry chibaguy - i expect you're right that they must be working on these "path not found" things (although their status says everything is fine, so i would be tempted to add a new one)
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Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6587-Certain-comments-partially-hidden-Google
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mu 18 release fall in timeout when I save a Wiki page, on all my tikiwiki ...
ON log I got PHP Notice: Undefined index: ids enabled in tiki-setup_base.php on line 238
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jonnyb: hi gillesM - a notice wouldn't stop page saving, must be something else - anything in the httpd log?
Jyhem: polom
jonnyb: moloq Jyhem
Jyhem: For anyone using php as FPM/FastCGI instead of php modules: the "php_value max_execution_time 300" stuff is ignored
you need to create a .user.ini file for exactly the same purpose, only it's " max_execution_time 300"
what a seemingly pointless waste of time
hi jonnyb :-)
jonnyb: aha, thanks for the tip Jyhem - that sounds likely (and annoying)
Jyhem: you are welcome. All the more annoying as .htaccess is not fully ignored: putting gibberish will trigger error 500 as it should
jonnyb: I've been trying this alternate registration with user trackers using pluginTracker an the registration options but it failed to create the users. In Tiki15.
Did you tell me it actually works, or did you tell me you fixed it for Tiki18 (which would mean I waste my time on Tiki15)? I forgot
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jonnyb: um, i haven't used the plugintracker one, just the normal tiki-registration.php way, sorry (i think)
Jyhem ^^
Jyhem: Ahh, but then you can only have one form. You can't have a form for people in group "Registered" and another for people in "Members"
Also, what is the point of the registration options in plugintracker? They just display fields for usernames and password and it's ignored?
Anyway, thanks for the info. Knowing it can't be done frees up my time for doing other stuff. :-/
jonnyb: Jyhem: plugintracker gets used in the normal registration process so i assumed the option was there for that, and you can have different fields appear for different groups using the groupChoice option on admin/login (but milage may vary on that ;) )
need a break, bbl...
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Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6588-Emojis-crash-Tiki-error
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jonnyb: I'm testing 18.1 package now
gillesMM: jonnyb, I have too [ PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /var/www/tiki-18.0/lib/search/searchlib-unified.php on line 711, tiki-editpage.php?page=home
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jonnyb: hi luis_asa and all
sorry, needed to eat and do real world stuff ;)
So it looks like the language strings didn't get updated for 18.1 either, i think that's a blocker
Ok, that's enough Monday for me, sorry - i closed the release, ran get_strings and did the merge - thanks luis_asa and robertokir for the 18.1 release, i'll try and do some testing tomorrow...
gillesMM: ok I found : lucene=> mysql full search
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