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Curiosity question. I have been working with TikiWiki since the 3.x days. Why hasn't a one click update ever been made like with WordPress and most other platforms? Thanx!
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jonnyb: pompompom
hi robertokir - unfortunately i found more files that had translate changes just now, don't know why they didn't commit last night :(
maybe another hiccup?
robertokir: polom jonny!
I don't know either, but I'll try to investigate this with Asa as soon as I see him online.
jonnyb: It looks like you (or he) re-released 18.1 but without setting the version string back from 18.2svn? It might be better to regroup and start again on this one i think - Bsfez what do you think?
Bsfez: Hello guys
(trying to resynch with the release that started last night)
What do you mean by "better to regroup" ? To try (and wait) another attempt
or you mean redo it now
robertokir: Yeah I was seeing his screen share during some of his work (till the generation of the 1s tarballs) but then I had to leave and later he continued without me.
Bsfez: (I found a bug in header.tpl that lead to have 2 og:image when using the featured image I'll be happy to commit it :))
(commit the fix, not the bug hhh)
jonnyb: i thought about that, apparently two og:image tags is fine
so not sure it should be "fixed"
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Bsfez: well it is not working. the second (website default was applied) and I suspect some warning because of it.
(and I found a second bug with the featured image, when you applied on the option "display all files in a gallery")
(no fix yet)
jonnyb: yes, that's not recommended :)
Bsfez: I tested for an hour this morning using :פורים-2018
jonnyb: it only makes sense on one image
Bsfez: well it should be checked then, but I liked the idea to have to select any pictId you think should be the featured one (little logic to add to the dropdown)
jonnyb: maybe the Hebrew chars in the url aren't helping - looks like there's something wrong with the canonical, and maybe that's stopping the og:image working (also it complains about some redirects)
Bsfez: anyway about the release process... I understand that we miss information as Asa is not here. Suggestion to report and do a release "all together" has my vote so we can avoid being in the dark like we are
jonnyb: indeed, but i think this current 18.1 needs to be removed, quick, otherise the installer people will start using it and we'll have even more of a mess :(
sorry, i'm snowed under at the mometn (not literally any more, thankfully ;) )
Bsfez: I don't see it available at sf
(I think this fb debug error is not right, when something goes wrong the debugger throw many errors not all necessarily related)
robertokir: Jonny, I talked to Luis, he's leaving his son at school, as soon as he gets back he'll talk directly to you.
Bsfez: I should leave for 1h soon so that's ok with me... Jonny ?
jonnyb: thanks, but sorry, i can't do much today (or this week actually)
Bsfez: The issue is only with the lang page ? How do you know it is ok (or not ok)
with Roberto we can be three and that's good enough, no ?
jonnyb: The releases Asa has done have not updated the lang strings, so presumably the release script needs fixing first. I ran get_strings last night and 18.1 was released again after that but only aobut a third of the lang files got committed. Also the version string will be wrong in that one bacause i (helpfully ;) ) set it to 18.2svn after the first release.
So no, i don't think it's "good enough" sorry
Bsfez: ok, I will check with Asa if he can fix the script then we'll see. agree ?
naughty naughty naughty... featured image work... if I'm logged as admin :)
not for the users
robertokir: Bsfez thanks for the trust but I'm not there yet :-/
Bsfez: oh may be some misunderstanding, when I wrote "with Roberto we can be three" I meant Asa to do the fix and release and Roberto and me as helpers. :)
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robertokir: 8-) then I agree
Bsfez: ;)
But now we know that this is not good enough :D :D :D :D
back in 1h
luis_asa: polom
jonnyb: pompom luis_asa
luis_asa: pompom jonnyb :-)
jonnyb: I re-did the release yesterday, after you run of get_strings
No I see that it can't run at because it needs a running instance, not only code
Now I see, I mean
jonnyb: yes, i saw that - unfortunately only half the files got committed
Bsfez: back quickier (meeting cancelled)
luis_asa: you mean, only half of language files? or half of files during release process?
jonnyb: also i changed the version sgtring back to 18.2svn and it looks like you didn't spot that, so i think that 18.1 needs deleting and re-doing some time
half the lang files, yes,Tue&sel=22#l18
luis_asa: jonnyb: how do I run get_strings? I can do that, change the version and redo the release now
what about 17, 15 and 12? I can run those scripts and test packages if code is ready for release...
jonnyb: would be better to fix the release script i think
luis_asa: hey, mose is here! long time!! :-D
jonnyb: and sorry, i can't help today - too busy
luis_asa: ok, I'll take care of 18.1 then
jonnyb: thanks
can you run the release script locally and see why the langiuage bit is broken? you can use "pre" in front of the version to stop it committing stuff (and/or a no-commit option i think)
luis_asa: ok
Bsfez: Hello Asa, I'm around if/when you need test.
luis_asa: ok Bsfez
jonnyb: I ran get_strings.php, right after your commit, and got more than 236.000 lines of diff after that. Is this expected? Wondering if it should be ran again after you commited last uncommited files
jonnyb: sorry, busy on a call
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hello /tiki-list_file_gallery.php?galleryId=1 give me error on tiki18 Unknown column 'tab.' in 'order clause'
idea ?
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jonnyb: hi gillesM - did the database updater run ok? altohught "tab." isn't likley to be a column name, maybe caches need clearing?
off now, bbl...
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Hi all
I can't seem to find a place with good API documentation
My issue is this:
I have about 1000 users in our LDAP database
But Tiki doesn't create an account for these people until the first time they visit a Tiki
I'd like to add all my users to the Tiki with a script rather than forcing each user to visit, wait for the admin to add them then visit again
Is there a clean way to do this?
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myric: hullo
Know anything about a TIKI API?
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gillesM: jonny thanks
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