[00:04] Jyhem polom [00:05] Jyhem fabricius: writing the page for a TikiFestStrasbourg2018 :) [01:25] fabricius cool [01:25] fabricius still writing? [01:32] Jyhem nope, posted and mail sent :) [01:36] fabricius mail anwered :) [01:36] fabricius answered [08:46] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [09:02] Tiki|bot Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6599-Time-and-Date-controls-don-t-adjust-the-date-picker-in-blog [09:52] luciash polom [10:19] fabricius1 joined #tikiwiki [10:35] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [12:45] zlinux joined #tikiwiki [13:02] chibaguy joined #tikiwiki [13:02] chibaguy polom [13:06] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [13:06] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [13:10] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [13:48] seamymsg joined #tikiwiki [13:57] jonnyb polom chibaguy [15:57] luciash re-polom [15:57] luciash sf.net svn is unresponsive again :( [15:57] luciash (504 Gateway Timeout) [15:58] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [15:59] arildb joined #tikiwiki [16:08] luciash for a change now: svn: Can't open file '/svn/p/tikiwiki/code/db/write-lock': Permission denied [16:08] luciash :-p [16:08] luciash yay, on 6th try it went through! [16:49] jonnyb moloq-er [17:44] Jyhem polom [17:47] Jyhem If I use a wiki page with list plugin for sending to a newsletter, there is pagination and only the first 25 get the mail, it seems [17:48] Jyhem I guess we can't expect the newsletters to be more clever than that? [17:49] Jyhem OK, adding {pagination max="-1"} kills pagination. Great, and so much more satisfactory than {pagination max="99999"} [17:49] Jyhem :) [17:49] jonnyb polom Jyhem [17:50] jonnyb nice tip about max=-1, is that on the doc page? [18:11] chealer joined #tikiwiki [18:11] chealer polom [18:12] chealer is there a way to get plugin calls auto-approved without changing code? [18:16] jonnyb polom chealer [18:16] jonnyb no, there is no way to auto-approve plugins sadly, LP always said it wasn't possible ;) [18:17] chealer OK, I'll just temporarily change the validate value for the JQ plugin then, thanks jonnyb [18:18] chealer in that case, is there a way to avoid making a mistake every time I type 10 characters of JavaScript? [18:18] chealer so I don'T have to approve 50 times for the simplest JavaScript job :-) [18:21] jonnyb why not use a custom.js file? that's what i tend to do (and use some source control for a history) [18:25] chealer jonnyb: custom.js, is that something included automatically? or you can use the HTML plugin to include that file? [18:26] chealer I'm getting better, make that 11 characters. [18:26] jonnyb it gets included automatically if in themes/js or themes/yourtheme/js etc (same for custom.css) [18:27] chealer jonnyb: ah, thanks. [18:28] chealer it's not necessarily optimal because I only need the code for one form, but thanks, I could do that. there's an advantage in using the JQ plugin too (deployment a little easier) [18:47] Jyhem jonnyb: hmm, I did not look at the doc page. It seemed natural (after trying 0 and failing) [18:48] Jyhem I found {pagination max="xxx"} through the guy. [18:48] jonnyb the gui guy? ;) [18:49] Jyhem Ahh, yes, him/itself [18:52] Jyhem chealer: I use the old firebug javascript console for writing jQuery scripts. Then I copy/paste in plugin. Now that firebug is dead, they astill provide a "scratchpad" which is the closest thing [18:53] jonnyb chealer: you can always enclose your page specific js with: if ($("#page_42").length) { do the thing; } in custom.js, bit it will add a tiny bit to ervery page load [18:55] Jyhem BTW, when I saved the gui, it did add the {pagination max="xxx"} but it lost the field name [18:56] chealer Jyhem: yes, I'm doing a bit in the console too (didn't dare multiple lines yet). [18:56] Jyhem {filter field="tracker_field_f_8" content="3 OR 4"} changed into {filter field="" content="3 OR 4"} :-( [18:56] chealer jonnyb: yeah. it's alright. [18:57] chealer but Jyhem, surely you know that Firebug was integrated (more or less) in Firefox, no? [18:58] Jyhem yes, I know. The javascript console is part of the "less" :-( [19:02] chealer I see what you're talking about Jyhem. thank you, that's most relevant. [19:03] Telesight joined #tikiwiki [19:40] fabricius1 joined #tikiwiki [20:13] zlinux joined #tikiwiki [20:34] xbrrn joined #tikiwiki [21:57] Jyhem Hmm, how do I bump up the PHP timeout around a loop again? [22:43] zlinux joined #tikiwiki [22:44] Jyhem set_time_limit(300); [22:44] Jyhem but actually, what was required was [22:44] Jyhem ini_set('memory_limit', '500M');