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Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6600-File
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hello on 18 release I don't see the per section anchor for edition per section
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luciash: gillesM: it is definitely there still
gillesM: check if you have on the top right in the actions dropdown the edit section icons enabled
"Edit icons"
gillesM: ok ...
I missed structure
the toc plugin doesn't work ?
luciash: ?
gillesM: I don't see the toc ... when I use toc plugin
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luciash: gillesM: is the page in a structure?
gillesM: toc is for structures only
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Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6601-FOOTNOTEAREA-Some-footnote-numbers-displayed-on-their-own
gillesM: luciash, yes now I have structure
I can modify the plugin attributes but I don't see the thoc displayed
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luciash: it works for me: https://demo.luciash.eu/tikitrunk/Testing+Structure?structure=Testing+Structure
gillesM: luciash, 18.0 ?
luciash: no, trunk, but it should be the same
do you have a subpage?
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Jyhem: amette: show.tiki.org seems frozen. Ping ok, but no new ssh connexion. Existing ssh unresponsive.
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Jyhem: Connecting on admin panel for a hard reste
That fixed it for no reason I can figure out :-/
good enough