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Problems with importing items into a new tracker. I did the import and see the number of items on the list of all trackers, but when I go to the single tracker view, it shows "0 items".
I rebuilt the search index and see the number of new tracker items there, but again they don't show up in the tracker. Seriously broken.
Apparently the tracker items were created but they're all empty (no content).
So I've got a .csv file with 2000+ rows and want to get it into a tracker. How do I do that? fabricius: joined #tikiwiki Jyhem_: joined #tikiwiki jyhem_pidgin: joined #tikiwiki chibaguy: About the tracker import not working, I should try it on a Linux server as I also have trouble with file uploads on my Windows dev pc. fabricius: joined #tikiwiki marclaporte: joined #tikiwiki seamymsg: joined #tikiwiki fabricius: joined #tikiwiki marclaporte: joined #tikiwiki fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
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joined #tikiwiki RadoS: joined #tikiwiki Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6680-Strange-behaviour-in-the-validation-of-the-use-of-cookies
Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6681-Tracker-textarea-field-as-title-may-cause-invalid-HTML-and-short-link-when-listing-e-g-with-TRACKERLIST-and-showlinks-parameter-is-enabled fabricius: joined #tikiwiki