zlinux: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6684-Plugin-WantedPages-does-not-correctly-process-page-names-ending-with-a-close-parenthesis
chibaguy: joined #tikiwiki
I wonder if it's possible to import a .csv file as tracker data in trunk. With trivial simple data, I get errors: Tracker Field Factory Error: Pref "trackerfield_image" required for field type "Tracker_Field_Image" and Tracker Field Factory Error: Pref "trackerfield_groupselector" required for field type "Tracker_Field_GroupSelector" .
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
chibaguy: My test case doesn't involve groups or images.
Hi fabricius.
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fabricius: polom chibaguy
Bsfez: miaou
fabricius: hi Jyhem_
roarrrr Bsfez
Bsfez: touche :D
fabricius: :-D
Bsfez: to the freshness discussion ... I think the simplest way would be to add an option to the field type "date and time" ... I think a smart idea and rather quick solution for an halfway experienced Tiki coder with tracker field exerience.
chibaguy: Here's an odd thing in trunk: I added an external "source" line to an article, and now the "Read more" uses the "source" link instead of linking to the article.
Bsfez: I'm not far
chibaguy: (sorry for different topic)
Bsfez: (tracker-field
(object (str trackeritem) 3)
(field contactWikiPage)
-: chibaguy has not followed the "freshness" thread at all.
chibaguy: :-|
Bsfez: So I have the ID, I need now to stuck that f...ing "modification_date" from unified index
Oups Chibaguy :)
fabricius: Bsfez: the idea is to use the field date and time for creation date (as possible already) plus a second field with the added option (refresh on modification) to reflect the modification.
Bsfez the second date field must be emptied/refreshed and use the then current date right when it will be saved again. currently this field only uses the current date of the first creation.
Bsfez: I don't agree with your point of view :)
I mean the 2 discussion split
fabricius: ok, I do not yet understand your point or path, but I am looking forward to get enlighted Bsfez
Bsfez: (and it is always possible to refresh the index every 5 mn if needed)
Calvados ? :D :D :D
fabricius: :D
I do not see the point to need to refresh the full index just to make such a simple thing working. That would be a workaround with a bazooka towards a sparrow. and indeed the indexing idea I ha already, but rejected it for myself as I do not see the point in solving things this way.
Bsfez: I understand
fabricius: chibaguy: this behaviour might be intentional. (use source for read more) ... This might be 1.) for kind of "plante setups" and 2.) to respect the copyright of the sources to rather link to them after the heading instead of copying their full text from one to another site without prior consent.
Bsfez: but that was my decision to not follow this path or consider that a solution to suggest to the team. Not a decision that this will be or not will be the recommended community solution.
chibaguy: Sorry, fabricius, but the article "source" item is intended to be an external link to the source of the article's information - at least that's how it worked in many Tiki releases.
fabricius: Bsfez: what do you meant with "I mean the 2 discussion split (1:25:43 PM)"
Bsfez: pageFreshness vs (search)resultsCalculation
fabricius: chibaguy: I just pointed out how it COULD be intended without knowing how it IS intended and not how it should be intended.
My understanding of the SOURCE link was a pointer to the original article. Otherwise it would imho not be appropriate, as there can be many sources of information an a list of sources would be required.
Bsfez: Imho I see the freshness problem as a subproblem of Calculation which at least should be merged after we found a conclusion and a solution. I am not aware who did the split - maybe Roberto or even myself?
chibaguy: From https://doc.tiki.org/Article-User#Editing_or_Submitting_Articles: "Source (url) - If appropriate or useful, a reference link can be specified. This displays at the end of the article. "
So the "Source" link displays separately - it doesn't/shouldn't cause "Read more" to change. I can't get to the article from the articles main page now when "Source" is set - "Read more" links to the external reference link. This is a mistake.
I'm guessing "a href="{$smarty.capture.href}"" in the .tpl is getting or displaying the wrong info.
I guess a regression in trunk.
Also the article translation dropdown displays for both the article translation icon and the article "actions" icon. Maybe these bugs are related.
fabricius: chibaguy: I agree, that the desciption in the documentation does not reflect the current behaviour. Anyway I would see it as very useful to have an option (maybe a tick box) that allows to "use source link as 'Read More' if not empty.
chibaguy: Why? Source link is to see an external reference. Read more is to see the remaining part of the article. They are different kinds of information.
I think it would be confusing to readers.
But anyway, let's get the bugs fixed first ;-) .
fabricius: chibaguy: with option ticked - not-empty source link fields are used as read more, otherwise the non-empty text area creates the read more link | without option ticked the non-empty text area creates the read more link |
chibaguy: I see it as a very useful setting for spcific types of how some websites use the articles feature and it sounds very logical to me. I am very open to either have this as default behaviour or as only optional not default set preference
chibaguy: There are websites, that do not use the source link as additional reference, but that write mainly summaries of existing articles (ex. scientific articles or political articles) and refer to the original article instead of read more. The option to use the source link as read more link would eventually ease the work of the editors of those websites massively
chibaguy: Well, I don't agree, but don't want to go back and forth on it here.
My point was the functionality seems to be broken in trunk. It should be fixed. If we want to change the design of the information presentation, that's another discussion.
Also article topline and subtitle seem to be broken in trunk - nothing displays.
chibaguy_: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6685-Articles-Adding-Source-item-changes-Read-more-link
luciash: polom pom pom
chibaguy_: hi luciash
luciash: hi gary chibaguy_
kotten: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6686-Articles-Translation-management-dropdown-displays-instead-of-article-actions
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Hi, I tried to access "https://dev.tiki.org/item6671-Wish-to-encrypt-contents-of-wiki-pages-in-database", but even after logging in it says permission denied. Is there a permission problem on dev.t.o
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