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Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6708-Advanced-Rating-syntax-Empty-date-tracker-field-shows-data-through-Mathematical-calculation-tracker-field
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fabricius: polom
I have a problem with a tracker input template, where I use a radio button 0=No,1=Yes and a bit of JQ to hide divs based on ticked yes or no (1 or 0), but when the page loads and neither one is ticked, both divs are shown, which is bad!
ahhhh as usually: ask the question and know the answer immediately
I just hide both divs first and second fadeIn based on the condition
thx for reading and considering to mind .. sry for bothering
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GillesM: hi luciash
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hi. is it possible to make a list in a table cell when tables use newlines as row delimiters? without having each item as a new row
marclaporte1: Use %%%
not quite a list though