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gour: joined #tikiwiki
not so many people here as used to be when i was fiddling with tiki in the past. what has happened with Marc? still around?
Jyhem: hi gour
there is a massive spam attack on freenode and as an emergency response, freenode suggested closing the channel to unregistered users
gour: Jyhem: i've my nick registered
Jyhem: Obviously, a lot of our regular members have not figured our how to register their nickname
that's why you could jion
I believe Marc connects through some xmpp gateway. That might make the registering thing less easy?
gour: however, despite of not so many people here, it looks as tiki is still active with new development and/or releases?
Jyhem: Sure! Last release was last week ( 18.2 and upgrades to 15.x and 12.x)
gour: here ( is something I'm very interested in if considering to switch from static-site-generators (Nikola, Hugo) to tiki...
is there some plugin to serve as download counter for the media (e.g. mp3) files dowloaded in the publis section of the site?