[06:49] gour joined #tikiwiki [09:09] Tiki|bot Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6746-Possibility-to-use-the-same-value-for-the-options-in-a-dropdown-tracker-field [09:09] Tiki|bot Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6747-Can-t-set-2-tracker-as-related-on-the-wishlist [10:07] robertokir joined #tikiwiki [10:30] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [10:41] luciash pompom [10:57] lincolna joined #tikiwiki [11:09] gour_ joined #tikiwiki [11:26] Jyhem_ polom [12:06] jonnyb polom Jyhem_ (nice underscore still ;) ) [12:24] lincolna so, I've got deleted tracker fields still showing up in the drop-downs for various tracker options [12:24] lincolna is there some kind of reindex or something I can do to get rid of these? [12:34] jonnyb hi lincolna - yes, there's a button on the search control panel, also a link on the quick admin menu [12:34] lincolna cheers [12:42] chibaguy joined #tikiwiki [12:42] chibaguy polom [12:43] jonnyb pompom chibaguy and all [12:43] chibaguy hi jonnyb and all [12:44] jonnyb chibaguy: how near do you think you are to looking at converting the calendars for bs4? Or do you need me to do some fixes first? (they're quite borken now) [12:45] chibaguy I didn't really have them on the list yet but I can start if the fixes are unrelated to Bootstrap layout, etc. [12:45] chibaguy Is this fullcalendar? [12:47] jonnyb yes, fullcalendar mode [12:47] RadoS joined #tikiwiki [12:47] jonnyb But it's the item/event edit form that's particularly screwy (hence me working in 18 and forward porting at the moment) [12:47] jonnyb was hoping i'd be able to get to it by now... ;) [12:48] chibaguy Well, I can go through it once in trunk and do what I can. [12:49] chibaguy Actually tiki-calendar_edit_item.php looks pretty good in trunk. [12:52] chibaguy Highlight color/bg isn't so good but that's minor. [12:56] lincolna gah, bloody trackers [12:56] lincolna apparenrtly the "items list" field is just a wya of completely and utterly breaking things [13:01] chibaguy Oops, I didn't have FullCalendar turned on, so need to recheck. [13:01] lincolna oh no, apparently that's just trying to *sort* the items list field [13:01] lincolna only the interface means that once you've decided to sort based on a field, you can't ever stop sorting [13:01] lincolna worth a bug report, or is this something weird with my setup? [13:02] jonnyb sounds like a bug, thanks lincolna [13:03] lincolna to clarify: I add an items list field, link it up, seems to pull in the right items from the other tracker, all fine [13:03] lincolna chose which fields to display, again, all fine [13:03] lincolna if I start telling it to sort, I get a crash page related to a malformed sql query [13:04] lincolna (when attempting to view a tracker item) [13:06] gour morning [13:09] jonnyb morning (etc) gour [13:09] jonnyb lincolna: are you sure your database is up to date? (just in case) [13:09] lincolna depends what you mean by up to date? [13:10] jonnyb um, up to date as in running php console.php database:update (or the installer equivalent in the browser) [13:11] lincolna I did that when upgrading to 18.2 last week sometime [13:11] lincolna can run it again I guess [13:11] lincolna the default sort seems to be giving the order I wanted anyway mind for now [13:11] gour i'm trying to configure local dev environment for tiki on my desktop (debian sid, apach2, php-7.2), using dev.local as virtual host to serve tiki, but when i enter http://dev.local/, firefox complains about 'not proper redirecting', while http://dev.local/tiki-index.php does work. i've enabled SEF, htaccess and tiki-check script reports working SEF URLs, but wonder what could be the cause of improper redirecting? (not having muc apache2 experience, [13:11] gour since i was in a recent time mostly using Hiawatha, but not sure whether that would work due to rewriting rules) [13:12] lincolna I had issue with SEF not working properly for a while, despite tiki claiming it was all fine [13:12] lincolna I have no recollection of what fixed it though :( [13:15] jonnyb gour - is your home page/feature all standard? i.e. a wiki page called HomePage? [13:17] gour jonnyb: yes. however when i type http://dev.local/HomePage in the browser I get: http://dev.local/HomePage#&panel1-1 [13:18] jonnyb looks a little odd - you have a tabs plugin on that page? (shouldn't be making any redirect weirdness though) [13:20] gour i'd expect that if SEF does work, then there should not be need for using tiki-index.php, right? [13:21] jonnyb you can fix that by changing the default document but in htaccess (there's an example there commented out) [13:22] jonnyb but there must be something else wrong i think - try a curl -vvv (or whatever the syntax is for verbose) maybe? [13:32] gour redirects is due to 302 [13:39] gour i'll do fresh install... [13:54] Jyhem__ joined #tikiwiki [14:00] luciash gour: iirc something like that happened to me when I used the carousel plugin or something [14:00] luciash there is a param to switch that off for each slide changing the URL [14:54] chibaguy If/when jonnyb comes back, with FullCalendar activated, tiki-calendar_edit_item.php displays without any CSS, so I'll hold off on adjustments until after the page gets reconnected to Tiki. [14:55] ipfreely joined #tikiwiki [14:55] chibaguy (It's supposed to display as a modal dialog apparently.) [15:11] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [15:23] jonnyb re-pompom [15:23] jonnyb chibaguy: still awake? :P [15:24] gour luciash: i've default/plain new 18.2 install, enabled SEF, but now when i enter http://dev.local in my ff browser i'm redirected to http://dev.local/HomePage and tiki says: Page not found HomePage [15:24] gour very strange [15:24] jonnyb Any ideas what to do about the category picker (e.g. on the 2nd tab on editpage?) [15:24] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [15:24] jonnyb gour: do you have a .htaccess file (not just _htaccess) [15:25] lincolna I had exactly the same issue [15:26] lincolna trying deperatley to remember if I did anything to solve it [15:26] lincolna or if it just somehow worked itself out [15:26] gour jonnyb: yes, installer apparently symlinked it...when i disable SEF there is no more redirect error [15:27] chibaguy hi jonnyb, yes, I'm still around. I'll check on that. [15:27] ipfreely gour: do you have mod_rewrite enabled in apache? [15:27] gour ipfreely: yes [15:28] jonnyb i think i found it chibaguy, just needs some more padding-left on .treenode .form-check - on it :) [15:28] gour ipfreely: rewrite.load mod (on debian) is enabled [15:29] chibaguy jonnyb, just to get the indent? [15:29] luciash gour: make sure .htaccess is enabled [15:29] ipfreely and u renamed _htaccess to .htaccess? and rewrite is enabled in the config file for the virtual server tiki is running on> [15:29] jonnyb the checkboxes cover up the open/close triangles (for me) [15:29] ipfreely \? [15:30] luciash gour: ah, sorry, already said that you have it [15:31] gour here is my dev.local.conf: https://paste.debian.net/1037153/ [15:33] lincolna as said, I had the same thing before, and everybody kept asking about .htaccess, which was in place and correctas I'd run setup.sh [15:33] lincolna eventually I got it solved... [15:34] gour lincolna: heh, magic or dependence on moon's phase ;) [15:34] chibaguy jonnyb, you know about Bootstrap 4's spacing classes? pl-4 adds kinda big padding left, etc. [15:34] luciash is the file readable by apache? [15:35] ipfreely allowoverride is the one that was my issue, but i see you have it.... [15:35] gour however, i believe this time i won't give up on tiki so easily...typo3/neos as possible replacements looks utterly complex [15:35] jonnyb ah, no, i didn't know about that, thanks chibaguy [15:35] chibaguy If it makes sense to use an existing class. [15:36] luciash chibaguy: looks like somebody stole my idea ;) [15:36] chibaguy https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.1/utilities/spacing/ [15:36] chibaguy :-) [15:36] jonnyb but i've done it with a rule now... [15:36] luciash chibaguy: just pl-4 would mean "padding-left: -4px" which does not make sense :) [15:37] jonnyb oops, done it wrong... update coming [15:37] luciash i would use pl4 simply here [15:37] chibaguy I guess Bootstrap has a convention of separating the class name parts. [15:37] chibaguy with hyphens [15:37] luciash (for my own classes, not Bootstrap) [15:37] chibaguy ah [15:38] luciash :) [15:40] gour am i right that for any practical purposes, if i want to use tiki, then it does not make sense to look at any other CSS framework (e.g. foundation, bulma etc.) except BS in order to do tiki themes? [15:42] luciash gour: right [15:42] luciash gour: unless you are willing to rewrite all the tpl files with your own classes (foundation, etc.) [15:42] ipfreely with the new relations feature in trackers working right, i think tiki is on its way to blow up big time [15:43] gour luciash: thanks...that's also something...iow. deciding to use tiki would make my hunting for the 'right' framework over :-) [15:43] fabricius ipfreely: relations which version? [15:43] chibaguy or if a framework could use the bs classes already in the tpl files. [15:44] ipfreely 18.2 [15:44] gour "Simplicity rules!" :-) [15:44] ipfreely it was broken in 18.1 [15:44] ipfreely worked in 15.x but wasn't as nice [15:44] fabricius and introduced in? [15:44] fabricius ah [15:44] ipfreely its basically a full relational database CRUD app like filemaker now [15:44] fabricius never looked into it, but sounds valuable [15:44] luciash ipfreely: nice to hear it got better in 18.2 [15:45] lincolna honestly, I'm using a lot of trackers [15:45] fabricius is it well documented? [15:45] lincolna and finding them a real pain to actually use [15:45] ipfreely fabricius, well enough :P [15:45] lincolna the trackers themselves aren't the problem [15:45] fabricius sure lincolna? I love trackers. [15:45] fabricius but? [15:45] lincolna it's displaying the contents neatly on a wiki page [15:46] lincolna or actually using the relations [15:46] ipfreely templates let u do it [15:46] lincolna in theory, sure [15:46] fabricius ok. you need to setup a number of templates to copy/paste [15:46] lincolna but in practice, they never seem to work out [15:46] ipfreely the only issue left with relations is link fields display linked field ID's not content of the linked field [15:46] ipfreely but theres a workaround [15:46] lincolna eg I've got one page I'd like to work [15:46] fabricius ipfreely: yes? [15:46] lincolna and it works fine if you input the filter terms by hand [15:47] ipfreely fabricius, yes [15:47] fabricius which? [15:47] lincolna but not when you start using variables and actually use it as a template [15:47] ipfreely fabricius, u need to setup template files for each display [15:47] fabricius ok [15:48] lincolna and the response I get on here to most of my troubles is "pluginlist does it" [15:48] lincolna which maybe it does, but figuring out how is really hard [15:48] ipfreely trackerlist yeah [15:48] ipfreely you get used to it.... [15:48] lincolna nah, I always get told here "don't use tracker list, use list" [15:49] lincolna https://doc.tiki.org/PluginList [15:49] fabricius nah trackerlist is not list ... list needs a bit more documentation, respectively more examples. But it appears to be quite cool at the end ... just a bit advanced [15:49] fabricius lincolna: in that regard I really understand you. *hug* [15:50] fabricius ipfreely: and that's it? template files and done? [15:50] ipfreely fabricius, essentially yes, but easier said than done [15:50] ipfreely lots of trial and error [15:50] ipfreely i agree the documentation could be expanded [15:51] ipfreely but if im picking the guys working on bugs/features or documentation, i choose bugs/features :P [15:53] fabricius will be looking into it and maybe then do some docs when I understood. will see [15:54] * jonnyb feels only slightly guilty guiding everyone to use plugin list ;) [15:55] gour lincolna: changing the theme helped with SEF here :-) [15:56] gour luciash: that's Roundtable meeting or something else? [16:00] luciash gour: something else ;) [16:00] gour ok [16:33] robertokir joined #tikiwiki [18:30] fabricius1 joined #tikiwiki [18:47] gour for the sdake of curiosity, i've looked briefly at the installation procedures for typo3/neos and quickly gave up...not pretty in comparison with tiki [18:47] gour now installed tiki-19svn and noticed that there are only 1493 SQL queries executed, while i've a feeling that with 18.x that was in the range of 10k? [18:49] gour maybe because it was install over old db [18:51] luciash upgrade? [18:52] gour well, i wanted a fresh 19 install [18:52] gour now doing from the scratch [18:52] gour now doing from the scratch [18:52] gour oops [18:57] gour well, lasttrunk drives me in circles...going back to 18.2 [19:07] jonnyb sorry gour, sounds like you're still having trouble [19:08] jonnyb trunk it a little, er, wobbly at the moment, so 18.x is best i expect [19:16] gour huh, trying re-install on my production server, untarred fresh src, created new database, selected mysql classic driver (not mysqli), but installer always returns me to Tiki Installer Security Precaution page. any hint? [19:20] gour it is with php 5.6. if i try with 7.x which one is the best: 7.0, 7.1 or 7.2? [19:24] jonnyb for 18.x php 7.2 seems fine, but if you're feeling caution 7.1 is maybe safer [19:25] jonnyb do you not have svn? i ususally run all my tikis from the stable branch with svn, makes for much easier updates [19:25] jonnyb some info here https://dev.tiki.org/svn+tips [19:26] jonnyb (won't help you with your redirect problem though, unless 18.2 has some nasty bug no one else has found) [19:26] gour uhh...i'm not really svn guy - after short usage of CVS jumped to DVCS (mostly darcs), but nowadays using fossil for all my stuff...but will take a look at svn since it seems it's inevitable if i'm going to stick with tiki [19:28] jonnyb we have a nice script now that will look after the updates for you (doc/devtools/svnup.php) [19:45] gour my installer-related problem was due to browser cache...although i'm sure i cleared it before...otoh, SEF is still without clear solution, but more like a magic [19:47] gour but e.g. i can say it works both locally and remotely with Lumen theme [20:19] gour cd [20:43] luciash /home/gour [20:44] luciash that command took long to process ;) [21:07] robertokir joined #tikiwiki [21:13] robertokir joined #tikiwiki [21:20] luciash joined #tikiwiki [21:21] luciash re [21:24] gour :-) [21:55] was kicked by luciash: Tiki-KGB