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Jyhem_laptopjoined #tikiwiki [00:52]
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montefuscolojoined #tikiwiki [01:54]
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robertokirjoined #tikiwiki [08:20]
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gourjoined #tikiwiki [09:30]
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luciashpolom [10:49]
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gour_joined #tikiwiki [11:09]
jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [11:11]
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polom poets [12:14]
luciashhi jonnyb :) [12:14]
jonnybpompom luciash [12:15]
chibaguyjoined #tikiwiki
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Jyhem_laptopjoined #tikiwiki [12:40]
jonnybpolom chibaguy [12:42]
chibaguyhi jonnyb [12:42]
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gourwhen considering switch from static-site-generator where i use(d) rst/asciidoc markup to tiki, i wonder if tiki-syntax is rich-enough and/or it is possible to use one's preferred editor (e.g. emacs/vim) to create content (offline) and then put it into tiki since writing (longer) articles online looks a bit tedious? [14:10]
luciashhi gour
hmm, interesting idea
I dunno but doubt vim has highlight syntax for Tiki syntax
but you can always write in any text editor using Tiki synatx and copypaste later
there was also import from HTML to wiki pages somewhere in Tiki but that is all legacy dusted feature (not sure how it works nowadays)
gouris there tiki syntax for aligning images? i'm tring to use ::image::, but it does not work? [14:19]
chibaguygour, there is info in the help popup modal for plugins, if you look at the IMG plugin. [14:23]
gourchibaguy: you mean on the tiki's site? [14:23]
chibaguyI mean in your own tiki installation's wiki edit screen. [14:24]
gourahh, ok [14:25]
chibaguyor here: http://doc.tiki.org/PluginImg [14:25]
gourchibaguy: ok, got it...i see there is even footnote plugin... [14:33]
chibaguyok, good [14:33]
gourwhat do you recommend for writing tiki content these days: tiki (wiki) syntax or wysiwyg editor? [14:45]
luciashgour: wiki syntax :) [14:50]
gourluciash: you're not missing some syntax-highlighting support etc.?
btw., thank you for https://dev.tiki.org/item6745-Applying-Personal-Blog-and-Profile-fails
ohh, another news for me: https://dev.tiki.org/Git-and-SVN-combined-workflow
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fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [15:16]
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robertokirjoined #tikiwiki [15:58]
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luciashgour: you can enable wiki syntax highlighting in Tiki using the CodeMirror integration [16:29]
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gourluciash: ohh, that' certainly something new for me...glad to hear it [16:50]
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fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [17:10]
luciashgour: tiki-admin.php?page=textarea&highlight=feature_syntax_highlighter [17:18]
gourluciash: i've got it working, but not in the all (demo) blog posts [17:19]
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fabricius1joined #tikiwiki [18:36]
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jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [19:51]
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gouris there some plugin to handle file (e.g. media files) download along with the download counter? [22:01]
luciashgour: https://doc.tiki.org/PluginFiles with the showhits param? [22:06]
gourluciash: thank you [22:13]

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