fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
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Bsfez: joined #tikiwiki
gour: morning
is there in tiki support for some payment gateways?
fabricius: @gour: currently PayPal and PayPal Business, but not PayPal Plus, some internal stuff, but not yet more. I have a project where I need to implement other Paymant APIs, but I need help myself => credit card payment
@gour: sorry I meant PayPal Pro, not PayPal Business - missmixed the name
PayPal Plus has another API which is not implemented
gour: fabricius: i'm not very fond of PayPal hearing lot of stories how they put someone's money on hold, blocking accounts etc. I even personally had experience that they put one transaction on hold (transferring some domains) since it looked 'suspicious' to them
chibaguy: joined #tikiwiki
Bsfez: polom
You see my email about the lost ticket on dev
chibaguy: joined #tikiwiki
Hi Bsfez. I was disconnected.
(My fault)
Bsfez: :)
chibaguy: Yes, I saw the email. Is this about RSS feeds?
Bsfez: yes
gour_: joined #tikiwiki
Bsfez: dev when loco and I lost the ticket
chibaguy: I don't really remember the problem. Is it that external RSS feeds don't show up as information in Tiki?
Bsfez: It is about article generator, article are not generated since Tiki18
chibaguy: I'm not familiar with "article generator" actually.
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chibaguy: Oh, I see (https://doc.tiki.org/Article-Generator)
Bsfez: http://regis-10191-4930.show.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_articles.php
Tiki12 working
chibaguy: Another topic: I wonder why the "author information" setting at the Tiki sites keeps changing. I set it to "Latest update" but it seems to revert to showing author name info.
Bsfez: http://arthurt-11797-6651.show.tikiwiki.org/tiki-list_articles.php
tiki18 not working
chibaguy: either someone else is changing it, or we're having data problems.
I'll be back in a few minutes - time to eat.
Bsfez: no idea, I remember we discuss this ? (tag ?)
chibaguy: yes
Ok, here's the answer: even when the admin setting is "Last modified on", the page creator/last author still displays - i.e., the pref is broken.
Or so it seems.
Bsfez: aoutch
gour_: left #tikiwiki
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