[03:36] fabricius1 joined #tikiwiki [07:13] gour joined #tikiwiki [09:02] robertokir joined #tikiwiki [10:50] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [11:31] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [11:33] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [13:45] gour_ joined #tikiwiki [16:15] Jyhem polom [16:19] Jyhem Hmmm, I have this in a template: [16:19] Jyhem {assign var="totojml" value="$f_351|output"} DEBUG: X{$totojml}X [16:29] Jyhem and it displays "the value|output" instead of "the value" [16:30] Jyhem Actually, it is "the value" :-( [16:44] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [17:02] Jyhem OK, I dsidestepped the issue with god old: [17:02] Jyhem assign var="type_concours" value="{wikiplugin _name=trackeritemfield fieldId="351" itemId="{$smarty.get.eventId}"}{/wikiplugin}" } [18:50] Jyhem_laptop joined #tikiwiki [20:46] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [20:59] robertokir joined #tikiwiki