Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6934-pagehistory-button-bar-is-ugly
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Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item6935-Error-on-Doc-page-Tracker-Synchronization
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luciash: polom
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luciash: jonnyb: morning!
jonnyb: Hi luciash
Wondering if we should be releasing 19.0 today robertokir, but i see a new blocker - it even has an exclamation mark at the end! :P
robertokir: polom jonnyb
luciash: aye, that one... is a stubborn issue :(
jonnyb: hi robertokir
Yes, i did ask Victor not to change it some months ago...
luciash: unless we accept that only with legacy edit UI and feature_jquery_validation switched off editing of tracker items will work in 19.0 we probably shouldn't ignore it?
I just had to reopen it because of the related one:
hi robertokir !
jonnyb: not good to have to have validation disabled globally to support a legacy feature imho
robertokir: hi luciash!
luciash: jonnyb: is this validation only validation we have? I thought it is something "more fancy" using jquery
(assuming it is optional)
jonnyb: there is server-side validation too yes
luciash: ok
and this CSRF one is stabbing as in back pretty badly too: https://dev.tiki.org/item6926-CSRF-false-positive-issues
(did not mark it as a blocker tho...)
see how many related there are in the Related-to :-/
jonnyb: hmmm... yes, there's something up with the new csrf system for sure
robertokir: yup, I've seen false positives for this too
luciash: and it is very intermittent (which is even worse to debug)
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robertokir: but imho if its just a nuisance and it's not a release blocker we could leave it for later. Question is, what do we do with the release blocker?
jonnyb: It seems to happen every time if trying to monitor that iotem as Xavi says in the comment - https://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=6926&watch=add
hmm, worked second time, but not 3rd (to un-monitor)
luciash: bbl
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jonnyb: hi chibaguy
chibaguy: hi jonnyb
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brad0: anyway to delete a tracker all together? I deleted the first tracker and created another one but it said tracker 2 instead of 1.
Jyhem: brad0: It was deleted. Tracker numbers are more like IDs, there s not need to use all the numbers. Holes in numbering are normal. You shown give names to your trackers :-)
brad0: What about tracker id's? I noticed I deleted the first and when I created a new tracker it showed the first field as 8 instead of 1.
Pretty odd IMO.
field id's I meant.
luciash: brad0: that is to prevent confusion when you delete old fields and create new ones it could be a mess if it was referenced from somewhere already... if you really need to start over, start over from fresh installation or you will need find all the ids occurences in the database and modify manually there
brad0: I guess I could see it from both perspectives.
Jyhem: brad0: field ids a numbers which increment forever. Fields have permanent names (permnames) which you can edit, if that's what you are looking for.
the field IDs span all trackers. They do not reset for each tracker
brad0: Ya, I figured they're globally unique numbers.
As opposed to within the tracker itself.
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