luciash: polom robertokir: joined #tikiwiki gour: joined #tikiwiki robertokir: joined #tikiwiki RadoS: joined #tikiwiki xavi: joined #tikiwiki
again, I need help from some css guru (maybe luciash again :-) ? )
there is a bug in tiki that displays a date in a date field by default in a search form
and I want that date field to be empty if the user doesn't type anything inside
Fixing the underlying bug properly looks way beyond by skills...
but fixing the wiki pagae where I use some plugins to display that form, should be within my skills... (it was in the past, at least, even if I seem to fail in tiki19 at least)
form id is:
<input type="text" class="form-control isDatepicker hasDatepicker" id="uiCal_5bfbe60153235_dptxt" value="">
well, that's the whole html line
in case irc log doesn't dsiplay that properly, I meant: id="uiCal_5bfbe60153235_dptxt"
how can I select that typoe of ID? (which seems to change to each different user viewing that page) luciash: hola hola
xavi: do you mean "select" by jQuery? Jyhem: polom
hi luciash, xavi xavi: back
thanks luciash and Jyhem . got it, thanks to jonnyb: $("#list_filter1 .jscal > .form-control").val("") fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
joined #tikiwiki Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - fabricius: joined #tikiwiki luciash: re-polom
Caarrie|away: hello? :)
Caarrie|away: are you away for real?
Caarrie|away: we were wondering would it be possible/easy to add another feed to be reported by Tiki|bot ? xavi: joined #tikiwiki Caarrie|away: luciash: do you want to take control over Tiki|bot? it is not hard to add another feed