Caarrie|away: !svn
Tiki|bot: Recent Commit: Tiki 14.0 Beta -
Recent Commit: Release of Tiki 14 and new minor releases of all supported Tiki versions -
Recent Commit: downtime? What it means and what happened? -
Caarrie|away: ...
maybe it will start on its own...
Tiki|bot: left #tikiwiki
joined #tikiwiki
Caarrie|away: !svn
Tiki|bot: Recent Commit: Tiki 14.0 Beta -
Recent Commit: Release of Tiki 14 and new minor releases of all supported Tiki versions -
Recent Commit: downtime? What it means and what happened? -
joined #tikiwiki
Caarrie|away: !svn
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
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Tiki|bot: joined #tikiwiki
luciash: Caarrie|away: thank you, if you do not want to maintain it anymore, we can find some solution, but no pressure... we appreciate your help
Caarrie|away: it seems there is some messup with the feed though... it shows articles from info.t.o instead of the commits feed?
Caarrie|away: i have it running on a free shell, that is not exactly reliable. if someone else wants to take over i can help them set it up. i cant get that part fixed so far, it is not liking an empty .db file... so i put a full one and it is not loading new content for some reason
luciash: Caarrie|away: hmm, can you roll it back to previous state when it was reporting "Recent Bug:" if this one is messed up?
Caarrie|away: lets see if it tries to fix itself.
luciash: :)
Caarrie|away: !svn
Tiki|bot: Recent Commit: Tiki 14.0 Beta -
Recent Commit: Release of Tiki 14 and new minor releases of all supported Tiki versions -
Recent Commit: downtime? What it means and what happened? -
Caarrie|away: in about 15 minutes try that command again... i doubt much will change
luciash: ok, thanks, it is puzzling me why it does not load the stuff from
Caarrie|away: have there been any new commits since last night? maybe that is why
luciash: last one seems to be Wed, 28 Nov 2018 10:06:09 -0000
Caarrie|away: strange
luciash: re
Tiki|bot: joined #tikiwiki
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Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - 18.x Structures can create bad pages names -
Recent Bug: - 18.x Structure reports inappropriate error if page already exists -
fabricius1: joined #tikiwiki