[01:13] xavi left #tikiwiki [07:02] Tiki|bot Recent Bug: - Namespace seperator brakes in wiki structures - http://dev.tiki.org/item6965-Namespace-seperator-brakes-in-wiki-structures [08:21] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [09:31] gour joined #tikiwiki [10:40] robertokir joined #tikiwiki [11:35] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [11:49] chibaguy joined #tikiwiki [11:52] lincolna joined #tikiwiki [11:52] lincolna hopefully fairly simple problem: [11:53] lincolna I've added the "quick search" module, figuring its a useful feature to have [11:53] lincolna it err, doesn't do anything [11:53] lincolna press the "Search" button and literally nothing appears to happen [11:55] lincolna searching via tiki-searchindex.php works fine [11:57] jonnyb hi lincolna [11:58] lincolna hello [11:58] jonnyb try the "search" module - quick search should have been removed many years ago, but never was :( [11:58] lincolna ah, I dug out the wrong one? [11:58] lincolna ok [11:58] jonnyb i think that one creates new pages (or edits exisiting ones) - search can do that as well but also searches ;) [11:59] lincolna just wanted a wikipedia style search box on the menu somewhere [12:01] lincolna looks better too [12:01] lincolna thanks! [13:00] trebmuh joined #tikiwiki [13:28] jonnyb polom polom - oops, just committed something i meant to shelve as a patch... ha! Mondays... [13:48] gour_ joined #tikiwiki [14:05] Jyhem polom [14:06] Jyhem Ahhh timezones, the unlimited trove of bizarre things [14:22] jonnyb pompom Jyhem [14:24] jonnyb the strange thing is that i think i might be beginning to get the hang of them, and this issue in tikidate might well have been at the root of the my problems with them in tiki (since about tiki 3 ;) ) [14:35] Jyhem Ohhhh, *now* that's good news! [14:38] * Jyhem thinks if we all lived in Japan instead of so close to GMT, this whole timezone stuff would be well understood and solid :-( [14:38] luciash pompom polom ya all [14:38] Jyhem As it is, we only get in trouble when working around midnight [14:38] Jyhem hi luciash [14:56] jonnyb hi luciash [14:58] jonnyb that "think i'm getting the hang of timezones" thing could always be "famous last words" as i completely break tiki's date system... :D [15:03] gour joined #tikiwiki [16:02] luciash jonnyb: :D [16:24] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [16:53] Tiki|bot joined #tikiwiki [16:54] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [17:15] jonnyb chibaguy: are you around? jusrt looking at the forms in 19.x and wanted to check a few things... [17:27] chibaguy hi jonnyb, I was just about to go to bed actually. [17:28] chibaguy But if you post here later I'll check the log and get back to you. [17:45] jonnyb oops, sorry i missed you chibaguy, i'll try and do an email... or see you here tomorrow :) [17:53] Jyhem anyone familiar with tracker SEFURLs? [17:54] Jyhem Can I get website/item5_firstname_lastname if "firstname" and "lastname" are different fields? [17:55] Jyhem If so, some people might want to upgrade from Tiki15 to tiki18 :-) [18:28] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [19:21] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [20:00] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [20:22] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [20:29] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [21:46] xavi joined #tikiwiki [21:57] xavi joined #tikiwiki [22:43] xavi left #tikiwiki [23:38] Caarrie|away joined #tikiwiki