ricks99: joined #tikiwiki fabricius1: joined #tikiwiki jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki trebmuh: joined #tikiwiki WoBoW: joined #tikiwiki jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki
joined #tikiwiki robertokir: joined #tikiwiki luciash: polom jonnyb: polom luciash and robertokir and all robertokir: polom luciash, jonnyb, * luciash: hi jonnyb
hi robertokir and all :) jonnyb: :) -: luciash been playing with the new H5P libs in 19.x all night long ;) well, almost... luciash: 2 oddities to solve:
if we could somehow hide the 1st mandatory "meta title" field as WP does, that would be very helpful as it does not save anyway
2nd oddity: when I create new H5P content from the content type template in File Gallery my values do not get saved (the file gets created but with some default values) - only when I later edit that, it gets saved with my values
jonnyb: but overall, it works very nicely already! great job! trebmuh: joined #tikiwiki jonnyb: luciash: sorry not to respond, see you at the dogfood meeting in 15/30ish? (need ot pop out brefily) luciash: see you at the meeting! Jyhem_: joined #tikiwiki jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki
repolom seamymsg: joined #tikiwiki
i have a problem, tried all available "soludtions" i coud find, but it doesn't work. i migrated a tiki installed site and its db. when i insert the creds in the Security Precaution page it accepts and gives the initial installer page, but when i continue it just gives me back the precaution page.
i already tried : delete db/local.php file, start from there ... deleted the temp/cache, make new, set permissions. but eventualy i come back to the same issue all the time
anything i might have overlooked ? RadoS: Have you used "clear all caches"? seamymsg: joined #tikiwiki
RadoS, you mean in the admin backend ?
i'm unable to access that, whatever i do i keep landing on the security precaution page
but i did manualy delete the cache folder in the temp/ directory benoitg: joined #tikiwiki RadoS: I've no experience with your issue, just guessing with you. Have you cleaned up before you migrated while you could access it? seamymsg: joined #tikiwiki fabricius: joined #tikiwiki Caarrie: joined #tikiwiki seamymsg: joined #tikiwiki
back, seems i was able to fix the site, its working ... but in system cache (save directories) and system check its still referencing to the old directory on other server, in all the settings i changed all the directories to the new setup ... i cannot find that setting, it keeps saying (directory not writeable) because it doesn't exists and should change to the new settings i guess (is the public upload directory) jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki luciash: wb jonny
just tested your new commits jonnyb: pompom luciash
:P luciash: it still does not save the silly Title, does it for you? jonnyb: yes, working for me - you force reloaded to clear browser cache?
(i had to resport to an evil js hack to get it to work) luciash: i did console.php c:c jonnyb: that doesn't clear your browser cache unless you have js minify on luciash: I also get "Missing title. (code=)" error when trying to create new Accordion
you mean ctrl+F5? jonnyb: shift and reload usually does the trick
or ctrl luciash: Hurray! Now it works!
Purrfect! :)
Thank you, man! jonnyb: yay woo, thanks for checking
am off now, need to feed! ;) malwar3hun73r: joined #tikiwiki ricks99: joined #tikiwiki