[00:09] ricks99 joined #tikiwiki [00:47] Jyhem_laptop_ joined #tikiwiki [12:15] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [13:36] luciash ¡ɯoןod [13:37] luciash still time to commit fixes for 19.1 [13:37] luciash ? [13:38] luciash I see, it is cheduled for Monday afternoon... ok [13:39] luciash (s on my keyborad is intermittently refusing to work, orry) [17:44] jonnyb hi luciash - orry, missed your post earlier, yes, 19.1 should happen tomorrow (europe) afternoon :) [17:56] luciash hi ho jonnyb :) np [17:56] luciash jonnyb: looking at your CSS issue now [17:57] jonnyb the jquery-ui one? thanks - it's weird (like i've forgotten how to do css ;) ) [18:00] luciash yep, do you have a demo online or should I try to reproduce somehow [18:00] luciash ui datepicker is on tracker date field? [18:10] luciash ok, added it to my demo tracker [18:10] jonnyb or in the calendar [18:10] luciash weird is it has border-bottom-width: 0 (why?) but that is something else [18:11] luciash you want the background, right? [18:11] jonnyb i know, that also doesnt seem to work (and would look odd imho anyway) [18:11] jonnyb the border of the selected day should be a different colour from the rest [18:12] luciash eh, it shows up here with that bottom border removed actually [18:12] jonnyb maybe background too in some themes (jquery-ui themes) [18:12] jonnyb oh? [18:13] luciash using Yeti theme [18:13] jonnyb let me recheck... [18:14] luciash it applies the border-bottom-width: 0; [18:14] luciash but background color is #fff [18:15] jonnyb actually, yes the silly no bottom border does with for me, but the colour doesn't, but now i see an error saying invalid property value: border: 1px solid #e9ecef #e9ecef #dee2e6; [18:15] jonnyb only 3 colours defined maybe? [18:16] jonnyb yup, that's it [18:17] luciash imho the problem is that the ui-state-default should not be there when it has ui-state-active [18:18] luciash then to override that you would need .ui-state-default.ui-state-active selector [18:20] luciash ah, dunno how it defnes these 3 colors, in the scss I see only border: 1px solid $ui-active-border-color; [18:22] luciash jonnyb: so did you found a fix? [18:22] luciash s/found/find/ [18:22] jonnyb i found the definition in vendor_bundled/vendor/twbs/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss:630 but that's not helping much ;) [18:23] jonnyb what does "!default" mean? [18:23] luciash I don't know, a nonsense? [18:24] luciash or is it special SASS thingy? [18:24] luciash there was only !important in CS, or... ? [18:24] luciash CSS [18:26] luciash I see, it must be SCSS [18:27] luciash but that is for nav-tabs [18:27] luciash how is that related to calendar day? [18:29] luciash jonnyb: what theme are you testing with? [18:30] jonnyb bootstrap default (but have tried others) [18:31] jonnyb the problem is that the syntax in the css comes out invalid - border-color: #e9ecef #e9ecef #dee2e6; is ok, but border: 1px solid #e9ecef #e9ecef #dee2e6; is not [18:31] jonnyb (according to Chrome and PhpStorm) [18:32] luciash it works for me in hrome code inspector, should I try on the scss and compile? [18:32] luciash s/hrome/Chrome [18:33] luciash I must admit I do not see border: 1px solid #e9ecef #e9ecef #dee2e6; in my Chrome inspector but border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); [18:34] luciash with Yeti theme [18:34] luciash let me swicth to default BS [18:36] jonnyb i think i have a fix... [18:37] luciash ah, I see the same with BS default theme [18:38] luciash jonnyb: it seems Yeti has it all right but Default theme doesn't [18:38] jonnyb hmm, let me try yeti with my fix [18:40] luciash jonnyb: I think the definition of $ui-active-border-color for the default theme is wrong, but for Yeti it is OK [18:40] jonnyb aha, ok, yeti has $ui-active-border-color defined as just one colour, other themes seem to use 3 or 4 colours... [18:40] luciash yep, that is what I mean [18:41] jonnyb i reckon the no bottom border is intended for tabs, not anything else... will test before committing [18:41] luciash the other themes maybe try to have slightly different color for each side of the border [18:41] luciash adding the fourth color for them should not hurt [18:42] jonnyb hmm, seems yeti defines normal and active as the same colour, so a bit hard to tell! :P [18:43] luciash hehe, true :) [18:43] jonnyb it doesn't matter how many colours, if there are more than one you need to use border-color explicitly (from what i can tell) [18:44] luciash jonnyb: ok, the themes who specify 3 or 4 are wrong then [18:44] luciash maybe it was working well in LESS before but during the tranition to SCSS it was left there [18:45] jonnyb ui-tabs-active seems to be unaffected [18:45] jonnyb yes, maybe - but i think Gary did a lot of overriding the jquery-ui classes to make it all look more bootstrap-like [18:51] luciash I don't understand how is your last msg related to what I said but anyway... :) [18:53] luciash I mean if it causes errors, there should be only one color defined, or border-color used explicitly as you said [18:54] jonnyb i meant it's not just the change from bs3 (less) to bs4 (scss) that has changed [18:54] luciash sure [18:55] jonnyb while we're on this luciash, any idea what "prefers-reduced-motion" means? we seem to ahve lots of them and phpstorm shows them all to be an error [18:55] luciash I meant it was just copy-pasted but maybe not tested well with all the themes [18:55] luciash huh? [18:55] luciash never seen that :) [18:55] jonnyb e.g. in themes/litera/css/litera.css:3828 [18:55] luciash (because I don't use PHPStorm probably) [18:55] jonnyb also themes/fivealive-lite/css/fivealive-lite.css:2482 [18:56] jonnyb e.g. @media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { [18:56] luciash hmm, sorry, must be something new [18:57] luciash I never heard about that in CSS [18:57] luciash https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@media/prefers-reduced-motion [18:58] jonnyb me neither - it's also in yeti.css a lot [18:58] * jonnyb reads [18:58] luciash it is a draft I reckon [18:58] luciash "Media Queries Level 5" [18:59] jonnyb aha right, yes firefox and safari only [18:59] luciash supported only by few [18:59] luciash yup yup [18:59] jonnyb seems a little risky for production/stable then? [18:59] luciash maybe BS4 guys are too enthusiastic about introducing new fancy CSS features ;) [19:00] luciash or Gary? :) [19:02] luciash gtg, bbl [19:02] luciash bb [22:11] robertokir joined #tikiwiki [22:43] ricks99 joined #tikiwiki [23:42] robertokir joined #tikiwiki