[02:10] montefuscolo joined #tikiwiki [09:46] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [09:51] robertokir joined #tikiwiki [11:16] luciash polom [11:17] * luciash going to fix the tracker tabular table overflow [11:46] luciash fixed in r69279 [12:14] robertokir joined #tikiwiki [12:19] luciash backported to 19 and 18 [12:29] montefuscolo joined #tikiwiki [13:53] kotten joined #tikiwiki [13:57] enimos joined #tikiwiki [13:58] enimos Buonasera [13:58] enimos some one speak italian? [13:58] enimos i need support for TIKI WIKI [13:59] enimos on Tiki Wiki (last version) is possible use MYSQL SSL [13:59] enimos ? [14:07] montefuscolo I'm not sure on this. [14:08] montefuscolo Did you have problems trying it: [14:08] montefuscolo ? [14:12] enimos yes i have a problems [14:12] enimos i have try with this link https://doc.tiki.org/MySQL-SSL [14:13] enimos but does not work [14:16] robertokir joined #tikiwiki [14:17] enimos maybe i need turn on some one parameters ? [14:23] montefuscolo I don't think so. It should detect it ... /tiki-check.php recognizes MySQL having SSL ? [14:36] enimos yes! the respond is: Cannot connect to MySQL. Error: SQLSTATE[HY000] [3159] Connections using insecure transport are prohibited while --require_secure_transport=ON. [14:51] montefuscolo Well, I think I will file a bug to this [15:04] enimos you can open a ticket ? [16:45] montefuscolo yes, but first I will try on my computer [17:15] robertokir joined #tikiwiki [17:29] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [20:53] montefuscolo joined #tikiwiki [22:22] montefuscolo joined #tikiwiki