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xavijoined #tikiwiki [08:46]
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fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [15:09]
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pompom polom
hi chibaguy - been trying to work out a fix for the popover max-width [15:50]
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chibaguyhi jonnyb [16:09]
jonnybhi chibaguy, how goes?
I have a fix, commit coming... solves most of the problem
chibaguyOk, that's good. As for me, seems like I have a bunch of things going but not making much progress on any due to my time being all divided up.
so I'm working on being more efficient ;-) (constant struggle :-) )
I've got to take dogs out into the rain right now, for example. be back later.
jonnybi know the feeling - see you later :)
(struggle, not dogs)
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Jyhempolom [19:03]
jonnybpompom Jyhem [19:03]
JyhemHi jonnyb, how are things? [19:04]
jonnybNot bad thanks, how are your things? [19:04]
JyhemBTW, can anyone point me to a workig example of pluginLIST pagination in Tiki18?
Jyhem has no luck applying https://doc.tiki.org/PluginList-pagination-or-list-control-block

There just isn't any prev/next navigation showing up
My things are rather fine. Doing fun stuff for Hugo.
jonnybusing which type of output? seem to remember some don't work
Oh nice, say bon jour from me :)
JyhemI eventually want it with templates, but I had no more luck without any output
Is there some magic code I should put into the template?
jonnybyes, the usual {pagination_links} smarty object
there's an example here for ajax for customsearch: https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/templates/examples/shop/product_ajax.tpl
or here for normal lists https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/templates/examples/shop/product_list.tpl
JyhemOK, will try! So, the one which does not work would be the "no output" one, I guess
Oh nice! we have a templates/examples dir!
jonnybyup, for a while now - probably should have documented it a bit, sorry :) [19:15]
JyhemReminds me of a working example for customsearch. I guess I got that one by asking you here as well :-)
Jyhem is tempted to improve documentation with « ask Jonny on IRC » :-) :-)
jonnyb:D [19:20]
JyhemJyhem did commit templates/pluginlist-debug.tpl as documented here: https://doc.tiki.org/LIST---Troubleshooting-The-List-Plugin
Jyhem wonders if it is safe enough for backporting in tiki18
jonnybsorry, i saw some of the commits but didn't have a chance to look into it properly - it wouldn't break anything else would it?
maybe it would be better in templates/search/list along with the other list plugin tpls?
JyhemWell, the purpose being troubleshooting…
Jyhem wanted a short easy to remember and type name. You know, troubleshhoting …
Jyhem was not even aware of templates/search/list
Wait, you are suggesting {OUTPUT(template="debug")} instead of {output template="pluginlist-debug.tpl"}
jonnyboh, could be - i didn't think if that, but that's how table and carousel etc work [19:33]
JyhemThat would make a lot of sense and it would be even easier to remember
only, it seems harder than cp templates/pluginlist-debug.tpl templates/search/list/debug.tpl
which gives « Fatal error: Uncaught --> Smarty: Unable to load template file '/srv/data/blabla/public_html/tiki_18/templates/debug' »
Jyhem will have a look tomorrow
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