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Hi. Just trying to try tikiwiki for the first time. Unfortunately I can't get past initial login as the "admin" user with "admin" password isn't accepted. Even tried to reset the admin password through phpmyadmin but Tikiwiki still says I entered the wrong password when trying to login.
I tried the instructions available at and at but I don't think Tikiwiki still uses md5 to hash it's passwords as the final hash is way smaller than the original one.
How can I reset tikiwiki's admin password? Jyhem: That's odd. Which Tiki version?
rsevero: Try this:
UPDATE users_users SET email='', pass_confirm=NOW(), provpass='', hash= md5('admin') WHERE login='admin' rsevero: Version 19.1
Will try now. Just a moment.
Got thew following SQL error:
#1264 - Out of range value for column 'pass_confirm' at row 1 Jyhem: Hmmmm, then something changed between 18.x and 19.x :-(
which probably also breaks as it's wher I found the command :-(
Since it's a new install and you won't lose anything, you can reset a new database from command line:
php console.php database:install
or try UPDATE users_users SET email='', provpass='', hash= md5('admin') WHERE login='admin'
(untested) rsevero: I've done it. Couldn't login either. And the original password hash is way longer the the md5 one. I believe the ahsh used for passwords in Tikiwiki 19 has been changed and it's not working that well...
Tried UPDATE users_users SET email='', pass_confirm=20190425, provpass='', hash= md5('admin') WHERE login='admin'
Still can't login Jyhem: Sorry, I can't help more. Is that the svn version of Tiki19? I suggest you can ask on or the mailing list, or forums, or write a bug report on :-( rsevero: Ok. thank you. I will try version 18.x Jyhem: BTW: version 18.x is a Long Term Support version while 19.x will be obsoleted by 20.x in 2-3 months.
So it's probably for the best. Thanks for the report anyway jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki
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