Who | What | When
robertokir | joined #tikiwiki
| [09:27]
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fabricius | joined #tikiwiki
| [12:42]
lincolna | joined #tikiwiki
anybody know if LDAP login is working as of tiki 19?
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fabricius | joined #tikiwiki
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rsevero | joined #tikiwiki
Try to start to use my first TikiWiki install (version 18.3). I'm having trouble setting LDAP authentication. My PHP has the LDAP extension as confirmed via http://localhost/tiki-check.php but my LDAP tab at http://localhost/tiki-admin.php?page=login has no fields at all to set. It's completely empty. How can I get LDAP settings fields?
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robertokir | joined #tikiwiki
| [22:56]
rsevero | Answering my own question, I just had to enable "Advanced" options.
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