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Jyhemgour: 'Calendars/Contacts' support is not the main focus of Cypht integration, from my memory of the meeting, but I think Cypht will interface neatly with existing Tiki contacts. Not sure about calendars [02:06]
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gourjoined #tikiwiki
Jyhem: thank you for reply...(just checked chat log)...is there any plan in adding markdown support for Tiki-20/21?
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fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [08:33]
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robertokirjoined #tikiwiki [09:14]
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luciashgour: yep, there is "plan" (on my todo list) [10:56]
jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [10:57]
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gourluciash: for v21, i suppose, not earlier? [11:14]
robertokirpolom [11:22]
jonnybpompom robertokir [11:22]
robertokirPolom jonnyb, gour, all [11:22]
luciashpolom everybody
gour: not sure
gour: I already started the wikiplugin but I need to add the lib to composer and finish it
gourluciash: i see...which flavour of markdown will you support? [11:29]
luciashgour: commonmark [11:34]
gourluciash: has commonmark's spec settled on the footnote syntax?
it looks it has not
robertokirjonnyb continuing our talk about branching
Maybe this step in https://dev.tiki.org/How-to-release-Branching?structure=Developer+Documentation was not done in previous branches? Update�$profilesLink
In�lib/setup/wiki.php, update�$profilesLink�to the new branch
we have this both for 19 and trunk/20:
$profilesLink = 'tiki-admin.php?profile=&categories%5B%5D=18.x
jonnybsorry robertokir - back now :)
Yes, looks like we missed that then, or was it that the profiles weren't ever created for 19.x?
Let's contact "Team Profiles" :D
robertokiris that equal to chibaguy? [12:09]
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [12:10]
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Tiki|botRecent Bug: - Addons code leftovers cause Fatal errors - http://dev.tiki.org/item7082-Addons-code-leftovers-cause-Fatal-errors [13:05]
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gour_joined #tikiwiki [16:00]
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gour: http://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/70070
gour: live demo -> https://demo.luciash.eu/tikitrunk/PluginMarkdown [16:33]
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gourluciash: thanks a lot!! this is a game changer for me & using Tiki :-D [17:19]
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [17:26]
jonnybjoined #tikiwiki
luciashre-hi jonnyb [17:46]
gourany thought on this one: https://dev.tiki.org/item3084-More-granular-control-of-recurring-events-in-Calendar?highlight=calendar+recur ? [17:59]
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jonnybjoined #tikiwiki
would be lovely gour, also to be able to have a repeat on (say) work days only...
Jyhem_laptoppom pom [18:42]
jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [18:43]
robertokirmop mop
jonnyb still there?
jonnybhi hi, yup, but not for much longer... [18:47]
robertokirin twversion.class.php where do I "update the trunk version to be 21.0 SVN" ?
Would you be refering to the code here, line 23?
// Set the development branch. Valid are:
// stable : Represents stable releases.
// unstable : Represents candidate and test/development releases.
// trunk : Represents next generation development version.
$this->branch = 'trunk';
jonnybrobertokir: yup, you do the branch, set 20.x one to be "stable" (it will be eventually) and in trunk you bump the version number up to 21 so we don't have two 20's [18:53]
robertokirthanks jonnyb! (sorry you left before I thanked) [18:56]
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Jyhem_laptopjoined #tikiwiki [19:26]

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